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Navigation: Zetadocs Expenses System Settings Help

Payment Methods

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Payment Methods

Relevant to the hmtoggle_arrow0Expenses Administrators role.

Accessed via: main_menu1 > System Settings

note_image Note: This help is applicable for all editions of Zetadocs expenses. Where features are only available they are marked according to the table below.

1 - This option is only available in the Essentials and Plus editions.

2 - This option is only available in the Plus edition.


If you use individual corporate cards in addition to cash, it is possible to set the system to show the submitter multiple payment methods, then set if they are reimbursable or not.

You may find the need to restrict payment methods to specific users. This may be useful to limit the use of a ‘Company Card’ payment method to only users who have company cards.

Creating and Managing

Create new Payment Methods using the Add New Payment Method button.

oManage Payment Methods via the manage_icon icon located to the right of the list.


Enabling / Disabling

oBy default, any disabled payment methods are hidden from the list. This ensures the list remains 'current'. However, you can include these in the list by placing a tick in the Include Disabled Payment Methods check box..

oPayment Methods can be disabled via the Enable / Disable toggle.


Changing the Display Order

oPayment Methods can also be promoted / demoted in the list by dragging the burger_menu icon located to the left of the payment method.

oUse the Save button to save the list order. This order is then used in all Payment Method drop down selectors.