Payment Methods
This user is able to configure System Settings.
Accessed via:
> System Settings
Note: This help is applicable for all editions of Zetadocs expenses. Where features are only available they are marked according to the table below.
1 - This option is only available in the Essentials and Plus editions.
2 - This option is only available in the Plus edition.
If you use individual corporate cards in addition to cash, it is possible to set the system to show the submitter multiple payment methods, then set if they are reimbursable or not.
You may find the need to restrict payment methods to specific users. This may be useful to limit the use of a ‘Company Card’ payment method to only users who have company cards.
Creating and Managing
Create new Payment Methods using the Add New Payment Method button.
oManage Payment Methods via the
icon located to the right of the list.
The unique name given to the payment method.
Display Name
The name of the payment method as it is to be displayed to the submitter in the mobile app.
Payment Method Type
Reimbursable Cash - Reimburse the employee for out of pocket spend on business expenses.
Non-Reimbursable Cash1 - Use this for petty cash, or other methods of payment which do not need to be reimbursed to the user.
Payment Card - Use this for a company payment card where payment transactions will be imported and matched against the expense.
Additional notes relating to the payment method can be entered here. These notes will not be visible anywhere else in the system.
Payment Card Type
Sets the import format for the card transactions. These are defined in Payment Card Types
Card Suffix
Used to identify the payment card (when importing transactions, via a daily bank feed, that may span multiple different payment cards). This is typically the last 4-6 digits of the payment card number.
Note: Only shown when {Payment Card Type} is set to Bank Feed
Select the user who's responsible for the card. This is the person who will see new card transactions in their Expenses list.
Note: This is particularly relevant if the {Payment Method Users} setting (below) is set to Cardholder Only
Use Payment Card Reports
Yes - (RECOMMENDED) Choose this option to use Zetadocs Expenses to reconcile payment card transactions on a payment card report before exporting to Business Central.
No - Choose this option to export payment card expenses directly on the same expense report to Business Central.
Cardholder Expense Approval
Expense Report – (RECOMMENDED) Requires that all expenses on a Payment Card Report are added to an Expense Report, and must be approved by a manager before the Payment Card can be exported to ERP.
Payment Card Report – Only approval of the Payment Card Report is required ahead of exporting the Payment Card. Submitted expenses are set to approved upon approval of the Payment Card by the processor.
Note: Only shown when {Use Payment Card Reports} is Yes
Expense Amount Adjustment
Disabled – Payment card transactions can only be matched on a Payment Card Report if amounts match.
Home Currency Only – Allow only home currency expenses to be adjusted to the actual payment card transactions by the maximum amount or maximum percentage defined on the Home Currency Adjustments section.
Foreign Currency Only – Allow only foreign currency expenses to be adjusted to the actual payment card transactions by the maximum amount or maximum percentage defined on the Foreign Currency Adjustments section.
All currencies - Allow both home currency and foreign currency expenses to be adjusted to the actual payment card transaction by the maximum amount or maximum percentage defined.
Note: Only shown when {Use Payment Card Reports} is Yes
Expenses Without Linked Payment
Specify the desired behaviour when the cardholder submits an expense that has not been matched to a payment.
No Warning – The cardholder can submit expenses on this payment method for approval before they have been matched to card payments.
Note: This is the default option that cannot be changed when the System Setting {New User Experience} is Disabled.
Warning (Allow Approval) – The cardholder can submit expenses which have not been matched to payments if necessary, but the approver will see a validation warning on each unmatched expense.
Error (Block Approval) – The cardholder must match all expenses on this payment method to payments before submitting them for approval.
Note: Only shown when the System Setting {New User Experience} is Enabled and {Use Payment Card Reports} is Yes
Home Currency Settings Only shown when {Use Payment Card Reports} is Yes and {Expense Amount Adjustment} is Home Currency Only
Home Currency Adjustments
Maximum Amount – Maximum expense adjustment as an amount.
Maximum Rate (%)- Maximum expense adjustment as a percentage.
Foreign Currency Adjustments
Maximum Amount – Maximum expense adjustment as an amount.
Maximum Rate (%)- Maximum expense adjustment as a percentage.
Export Settings
Enable ERP Export
Yes - Choose this option to export payment card expenses to Business Central.
No1 - Choose this option to record payment card expenses only.
Use Same Settings for All Companies
Yes - Payment Card data relating to all companies will be exported using the same {Export Type} and {Export Code}
No - A different {Export Type} and {Export Code} will need defining for each company.
Note: Only shown on multi company systems.
Export Type
Use this option to export the payment card transactions as;-
Vendor with Purchase Invoice - creates a purchase invoice for the vendor account.
Vendor with Journal - creates a journal which matches the journal template defined on the Company Settings and sets the vendor as the balancing account.
G/L Account - creates a journal which matches the journal template defined on the Company Settings and sets G/L account as the balancing account i.e. a suspense account.
Bank account - creates a journal which matches the journal template defined on the Company Settings and sets Bank account as the balancing account.
Export Code
The export code for each of the above {Export Type} options.
Payment Method Users
Payment Method Users
Allow All Users - Allow all users to be able to select this payment method when creating expenses i.e. for cash or a general company card that anyone could use..
Allow Listed Users1 - Only allow a defined subset of users to to be able to select this payment method when creating expenses i.e. for company cards where only a subset of employees have access to it.
Cardholder Only1 - Only allow the user defined in the {Cardholder} field to select this payment method when creating expenses i.e. where the employee has been given their own company card that no one else can use.
Enabling / Disabling
oBy default, any disabled payment methods are hidden from the list. This ensures the list remains 'current'. However, you can include these in the list by placing a tick in the Include Disabled Payment Methods check box..
oPayment Methods can be disabled via the Enable / Disable toggle.
Changing the Display Order
oPayment Methods can also be promoted / demoted in the list by dragging the
icon located to the left of the payment method.
oUse the Save button to save the list order. This order is then used in all Payment Method drop down selectors.