Business Central jobs, job tasks and dimension can be synchronized with Zetadocs Expenses – either automatically on a daily basis, or on demand at any time.
The synchronization updates Zetadocs Expenses with data from Business Central – removing the need for finance teams to maintain a separate list of jobs / job tasks / dimensions. This synchronization process will not make any changes to the master data in Business Central.
By synchronizing data in this way, users will always be able to select from up-to-date list of jobs, job tasks & dimensions when submitting their expenses – minimizing the amount of time finance teams need to spend updating expense reports with missing or incorrect information to ensure expenses are allocated correctly (e.g. against jobs, job tasks, departments, cost centre etc).
Business Central jobs, job tasks and dimensions are configured in Zetadocs Expenses as “Custom Properties” (i.e. additional fields and values which may be specified on a new expense).
To configure the automatic synchronization of Business Central jobs, job tasks or dimensions, ensure you do the following:
1.Setup synchronization schedule – to specify a suitable time at which the daily update will take place (for those Custom Properties where automatic sync has been enabled).
This schedule can be configured via the Zetadocs Expenses System Settings (refer to the Integration > Data Synchronisation section).
2.Configure a Custom Property & enable data synchronization
These can be configured via the Zetadocs Expenses System Settings (refer to the Custom Properties > Data Synchronisation section).
Business Central jobs, job tasks or dimensions can be created as Custom Properties in Zetadocs Expenses in much the same way as any other type of Custom Property that you may need.
Further useful information is given below that is particularly relevant when configuring Custom Properties for jobs / job tasks / dimensions that will be automatically synced with Business Central.
A Custom Property can have another Custom Property specified as its ‘parent’ property, which means smart filtering can then be used on the new expense pages within the app – making it easier for users to select the relevant value for their expense.
For example a “Job task” property could have “Job” specified as its parent – this would mean that the drop-down list of job-tasks would only show those that belong to the job that has been selected.
Specifying parent properties can also make reporting easier if using the Zetadocs Expenses data feed.
Where there are very long lists of values (e.g. job tasks), it can be difficult for users to find and select the value they need within a drop-down menu list.
By enabling display groups on a Custom Property, the values will be shown as a two-level list within the drop-down list – with the group name highlighted in bold as a heading, followed by all the values in the group.
When display groups are enabled and data is being automatically synced, Zetadocs Expenses will recognise Business Central records with a “begin-total” value type as the group name.
To ensure Custom Property information is exported to Business Central and visible on the purchase invoice or ledger line, you need to ensure the “enable ERP export” option is set to “Yes” for each Custom Property, as required.
When the above option is set to “Yes”, the “Export Type” must then be selected which specifies the Business Central field that will be set when an expense is exported (i.e. job | job task | job line type | dimension).
To automatically import and sync Custom Property values with Business Central jobs, job tasks and dimensions, you need to ensure the “enable ERP sync” option is set to “Yes” for each Custom Property, as required.
When this option is enabled, the synchronization can be started at any time by selecting the “Update values” button within the relevant Custom Property Settings or scheduled to happen automatically (via ‘Integration’ System Settings as per above).