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Fax solutions for healthcare

Our award winning fax server software, Zetafax, is simple to install, easy to manage and highly reliable. It replaces traditional fax machines, dispersed across the organization, with a single, centrally managed healthcare fax server that routes documents to and from secured mail-boxes. Zetafax also allows users to send and receive faxes directly from their PC and from applications such as Microsoft Office and Electronic Health Record solutions. Zetafax also allows implementation of FoIP and server virtualization.

Zetafax is already installed in thousands of health care organizations in the UK and US. Zetafax is designed to be flexible enough to easily function with your Electronic Health Record system.

Zetafax can smoothly integrate with your current Electronic Health Record (EHR) system, allowing you to send electronic health records, reports and prescriptions by phones lines or the Internet (Fax over IP) from your PC. Your received faxes are archived on your Zetafax server as electronic files for easy retrieval.

Ways that healthcare organizations can benefit from Zetafax

There are many ways in which your healthcare organization can benefit from implementing our fax server software. These include improving patient data security, upholding confidentiality, administration from a central server location, decreasing operation costs, as well as dramatically increasing productivity.

HIPAA compliant software and HIPAA compliant fax

The primary objective of HIPAA is to safeguard patient health information from any kind of exposure or disclosure to unauthorized parties when the information is required to be transmitted or delivered to authorized individuals. This means that health organizations are required to have infrastructure and procedures in place to ensure this information is secure, as required under HIPAA and Meaningful Use requirements.

The security provisions of HIPAA do not prohibit the faxing of patient information, but do require that "reasonable" efforts be made to ensure information sent via fax is sent securely and is received securely by the person intended. Manual faxing is surrounded by security issues that may prevent health organizations from being compliant with HIPAA requirements.

Zetafax fax server software gives healthcare organizations an easy-to-deploy and easy-to-use solution to ensure HIPAA compliant faxing. Zetafax can also assist in meeting Meaningful Use guidelines for the HITECH Act by allowing your EHR to be truly paperless. You can avoid printing, scanning and shredding related to manual faxing.

Secure electronic transmission of incoming and outgoing patient documents

Instead of being printed on paper, Zetafax server software allows your PC to send and receive faxes. The files are converted into fax format and are ready to be sent via your users' unique fax mailbox. Incoming faxes are received in a digital fax format so that they can be easily routed or archived.

Zetafax also makes it simple for IT administrators to ensure that fax security policies can be administered consistently. The use of fax can be controlled and audited from a single, central location using the Zetafax configuration program. This centralized administrative tool enables administrators to regulate permissions, set up security and manage servers quickly and easily.

Why Zetafax fax server software is the solution

  • DID routing ensures delivery directly to the intended recipient, guaranteeing confidentiality. Using this method, faxes are delivered to secure computers rather than vulnerable fax machines.
  • Fax mailboxes can be allocated to individual users or to departments.
  • Lower operation costs associated with paper and ink by eliminating the need for manual faxing.
  • Automatically create an audit trail of all inbound and outbound faxes for HIPAA regulations.
  • Archive faxes so you never misplace a or lose a fax again.
  • Use the search feature to easily find faxes to annotate, resend, print and more.
  • Easily integrates with your current EHR system.
  • Productivity savings of up to 80% can be made sending faxes directly from the desktop, while also eliminating the risk of confidential information being shared.
  • Network fax servers provide safe, secure and reliable fax transmission capability using industry standards, T.30 and T.38. They also transmit images in the same secure manner that two fax machines would send an image to each other.
  • Transmission of the fax can be monitored in real time via email, the Zetafax client or the sending application (via an API). This gives the same experience of sending a document via email but with the security of a fax machine.
  • Computer generated faxes mean transmitted patient-identifiable information is clear and easy to read.
  • Mail-box tidy up ensures that users can quickly clean up transmitted or received documents from their mailboxes so they don't remain a confidentiality risk.

How Zetafax helps NHS Trusts & Health Organizations

Zetafax fax software solutions give healthcare organizations an easy-to-deploy and easy-to-use way to ensure compliance with the NHS Code of Practice and recommendations of the Caldicott report. It delivers the following benefits:

Fax 'safe havens' for incoming and outgoing documents

Zetafax makes it simple for IT administrators and Caldicott Guardians to ensure that fax security policies can be administered consistently. The use of fax can be controlled and audited from a single, central location using the Zetafax configuration program. This centralized administrative tool enables administrators to regulate permissions, set up security and manage servers quickly and easily.

Secure electronic transmission of patient-identifiable information

Instead of being printed on paper, faxes sent from PC software are converted into fax format ready to be sent via your users' unique mailbox.

  • Productivity savings of up to 80% can be made sending faxes directly from the desktop, while also eliminating the risk of confidential information being shared.
  • Network fax servers provide safe, secure and reliable fax transmission capability using industry standards, T.30 and T.38. They also transmit images in the same secure manner that two fax machines would send an image to each other.
  • Transmission of the fax can be monitored in real time via email, the Zetafax client or the sending application (via an API). This gives the same experience of sending a document via email but with the security of a fax machine.
  • Computer generated faxes mean transmitted patient-identifiable information is clear and easy to read.
  • Mail-box tidy up ensures that users can quickly clean up transmitted or received documents from their mailboxes so they don't remain a confidentiality risk.

Compliance with the 'Confidentiality: NHS Code of Practice' guidelines

The Code of Practice on Confidentiality (2003) is a key component of the arrangements for governance of information in the NHS. The 'Caldicott' principles and recommendations apply specifically to patient-identifiable information, and emphasise the need for controls over the information and access to it. Zetafax supports the security recommendations by ensuring faxes are sent only to intended recipients.

Linking closely with network security, Zetafax offers a range of security options that prevent unauthorised access to confidential documents.

  • DDI routing ensures delivery directly to the intended recipient; guaranteeing confidentiality. Using this method, faxes are delivered to secure computers rather than vulnerable fax machines.
  • User can be allocated their own individual fax mailboxes or departmental mailboxes.
  • Each fax mailbox can be linked to a Windows user account, meaning access to mailboxes can be controlled by network permissions.

Learn more about how Zetafax supports NHS confidentiality best practice.

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Healthcare ISVs needing fax capabilities

Equisys software enables ISV partners to further enhance the functionality of their own applications. By integrating with Equisys software, healthcare ISVs are able to provide their customers with significant cost and time savings in the production, delivery and archiving of business and healthcare documents. Contact us for more information.

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