
How they work


When you visit our websites, small text files called cookies are stored on your device. We use them to keep track of things you have done on the websites and selections you have made. They are used to record how you came to our websites and to remember you for the next time you visit them.

These cookies cannot harm your device. We don’t use them to store any sensitive data that you may have entered which you would expect to be kept very secure – so no passwords and no payment information. However, if you give us your name and contact details by completing a form on a website, then we will also record the values of selected cookies on your device so that we can understand how you found us and how you have used the website. This helps us improve our marketing and websites. Further details on our use of personal information is given in our privacy policy.

If you want to disable cookies, you should still be able to browse our websites, though certain features may not work. Web browsers normally have cookies enabled, but their help files usually explain how to disable cookies.

We use carefully-selected suppliers who may also set cookies that will be used for web analytics and for remarketing, showing you products and services based on what you appear to be interested in. Your Online Choices allows you to opt-out from interest-based advertising if you would rather that the adverts you see are not selected on the basis of your past browsing of the internet.

Our cookies

This cookie records that you have already been alerted that the website uses cookies. It saves you from being alerted repeatedly.

fi, li
These cookies record how you were referred to our websites and/or what form you complete on our website, both for the first visit or form (fi) and for a subsequent one (li). We use them to improve the effectiveness of our marketing.

.ASPXANONYMOUS, __RequestVerificationToken, dnn_IsMobile, language
We use DNN as our content management system and it uses a number of cookies. Details are given here.

Some pages on our websites are Microsoft Active Server Pages (ASP). These pages use cookies to provide session management. Details are given by Microsoft here.

_utma, _utmb, _utmc, _utms, _utmt, _utmv, _utmz
These cookies are used by Google Analytics to provide meaningful statistics and reports to us about our website visitors. The data stored by these cookies can be seen only by us and the relevant team at Google. You can read more about Google Analytics here.

cuvid, cusid, cuvon, cd_optout_accountkey
These cookies are used by ClickDimensions to help us understand how visitors are navigating and using our website. Read more about it here.

There is a live chat feature on some pages to help you get your questions answered. This cookie records your use of the service. Read more about it here.

Third-party cookies 

Doubleclick, Google, LinkedIn, etc
Sometimes we advertise on third-party websites. Cookies are then used to help us and our advertisers select which advertisements to display and see which advertisements you click on. Each advertiser uses its own tracking cookies and the data stored is not confidential or interchangeable. These advertisers include Google and its subsidiary DoubleClick for paid advertising on Google, and Microsoft and its subsidiary LinkedIn for paid advertising on LinkedIn. Find out more about the use of cookies on

This page was last updated 21 September 2018.

Next: Read here about our privacy policy

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