HOWTO: Obtain the Quintum Tenor Configuration for the Equisys support team
ID: ZTN1802
This technical note applies to:
- Zetafax with the Quintum Tenor FoIP Gateway
This technical note describes how to obtain the current configuration of the Quintum Tenor gateway in a text format suitable for Equisys Technical support to allow analysis of the complete configuration.
More information
To help Equisys technical support diagnose the systems configuration you can export the configuration into a text format that is safe and suitable to email to the Equisys technical team.
The Configuration is exported using the gateways command line interface (CLI). To connect to the CLI it is recommended to use Putty telnet. Putty is recommended as it allows you to easily capture the output of the commands executed on the CLI.
To obtain putty (a 3rd party application) you will be able to download this from their website, or by search for “putty telnet” in Google.
How to connect to the CLI with Putty
- Open putty
- Please enter the IP address or FQDN of the Quintum gateway in the section prompting for the host name. Please make sure the option is selected for Telnet and port 23 is selected.
- Click on the logging tab.

- Please select log all session output and select browse. Enter a location to save the log.
- Clicking open should now present you with the login screen for the CLI. The defaults are admin/admin.
- Run the command “show –l” (This displays the system configuration).
- Run the command “ev dump” (this will display the logs).
- Run the command “lastcall” (Obtains the last call information).
- Run the command “cmd calllog” (obtains a list of all calls in/out of the gateway).
- Close putty and browse to the location of the saved log file. Please make sure this text file has information in it.
- Zip this file and email this to
Equisys technical staff can use this information to diagnose possible configuration issues with your Quintum Tenor gateway and Zetafax, as this allows the staff to quickly identify parameters that are potentially incorrect.
Last updated: 25th June 2008 (GR/MW)