PRB: Unable to add Brooktrout devices on a failover system
ID: ZTN1948
This Zetafax technical note applies to:
- Zetafax Server 2011 and 2012, with failover feature
When the Zetafax Server is set up with the failover feature, it is impossible to add Brooktrout devices through the UI. An installation prompt appears each time an attempt is made to add a device, followed by the error dialog below:

On clicking OK, the add devices wizard returns to the device selection screen. The device is never successfully added.
This is due to an issue detecting the latest version of the Brooktrout drivers during setup of a new Brooktrout device. The Zetafax Configuration program searches the < ZFAX> \SERVER folder for the latest version and checks against what is installed locally. On a failover system, part of the SERVER folder is in a shared location, whereas the Brooktrout device driver files are in the local drive. The version detection fails as the Zetafax Configuration program is looking for the drivers in the shared drive.
In order to allow Brooktrout devices to be added or updated to the latest Brooktrout drivers, the following file and folder should be copied from the local < ZFAX> \SERVER folder to the shared SERVER folder:
- The ‘Boston’ folder
- The ‘bostdlld.dll’ file
Please note that when updating to the latest version of the Brooktrout drivers, these items should be copied from the update package to the shared SERVER folder in the same way.
This has been identified by Equisys as a problem with the software versions given above.
Last updated: 20th May 2013 (NT/MW)
Keywords: Brooktrout failover unable to add