FIX: Archiving from Zetadocs for NAV to SharePoint fails using a Company Name that contains a comma Print ZTN4129 ID: ZTN4129 This Zetadocs technical note applies to: Zetadocs for NAV 4.x. Symptom When sending a report from NAV via Zetadocs where the recipient company has a ’,’ in the name (e.g. Smith and Sons, Inc.) and archive sub-foldering by company name is turned on, the report fails to be archived to SharePoint. Cause Zetadocs uses‘,’ characters to separate instruction code sent from NAV to Zetadocs. By having a comma in the company name this separation occurs in the wrong place preventing successful archiving to SharePoint. Resolution This issue can be resolved in two manners: Remove all commas from company names in your database. Or Contact Equisys technical support and request the hotfix quoting technote number ZTN4129. On downloading this, extract the files to a suitable location and review the included Readme file for instructions on its implementation. This has been identified by Equisys as a problem with the software versions given above. Last updated: 16th August 2011 (SD/MW) Keywords: Zetadocs for NAV Sharepoint Company Name comma