Equisys technical notes

Technical guidance, explanations and fixes for our products

FIX: Sent fax pages include black sections



ID: ZTN2102

This Zetafax technical note applies to:

  • Zetafax version 17.0 and earlier


On some faxes sent by Zetafax the lower part of some pages are solid black.  This affects faxes which are submitted by a Zetafax-enabled application using the Zetafax Automation Toolkit, on systems using the Zetafax Document Rendering engine option.

The issue typically affects a small proportion of the faxes which are sent, and only some of the pages in the fax, as shown in the following typical screenshot:

Further information

Zetafax uses two different mechanisms for converting graphics files into the correct format for sending: the DOCTIFF document rendering engine, and a graphics library.  DOCTIFF supports a wide range of graphics and document file formats, but is only enabled for graphics file conversion on systems with the Document Rendering add-on installed.

When a fax is submitted using the Zetafax Automation Toolkit, the Zetafax Server converts the image file if necessary, using DOCTIFF if the Document Rendering add-on is licenced, or the graphics library otherwise.

This issue is caused by a fault in DOCTIFF program.  The fault is intermittent, typically affecting only a small proportion of faxes which are sent.  It is reproducible for a specific image file, so resending the message from the Zetafax Client using the same image file will usually give the same result.  However sending the fax again from the original application so that the image file is recreated will usually work correctly.


An update is available for Zetafax which corrects the issue.


This issue has been resolved in an update for Zetafax version 17.0 and earlier Zetafax versions.  The fix will be included in the next full release of Zetafax.

Last updated: 14th April 2016 (GW) 

Keywords: API, McKesson, Paragon, Cardiology, black fax

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