FIX: Zetadocs Express save and send function not working when order No. contains an invalid character Print ZTN4318 ID: ZTN4318 This Zetadocs technical note applies to: Zetadocs Express 5.5 and 6.0 Symptom The following error message is displayed when attempting to Save and Send a document with Zetadocs Express: “Failed to send report %1”. This issue will also occur when using the Save or Send options. Cause To save or send the document, Zetadocs needs to save a pdf file out to a temporary location. The filename used is based on the document type and number. If the “No.” field contains an invalid windows path character such as ‘/’, the document will not be saved in the intended location and thus cannot be found for subsequent sending or saving. Resolution This fault was corrected in a hotfix, which is available by contacting Equisys Technical Support and quoting the technote number ZTN4318. Status This behaviour was corrected in the Zetadocs Express hotfix. Last updated: 13th January 2014 (JV/NT)