FIX: Zetadocs Vendor Rule Card reports 'Document Set No. must be filled in. Please enter a value' and then locks. Print ZTN4072 ID: ZTN4072 This Zetadocs technical note applies to: Zetadocs for NAV 2.1 and 3.0 Symptom If you use the TAB or ENTER key to move fields when using the Zetadocs Vendor Rule Card to create a new rule, you can become locked out of NAV by a message box displaying the message “Document Set No. Must be filled in. Please enter a value.” Pressing the OK button on the dialog just redisplays the message box. Cause This is caused by an incorrect tab order for the fields on the Vendor Rule Card which forces the form into a validation failure loop, thus locking the user out of the NAV application. Resolution This issue can be resolved by applying a hotfix which is available by request. Please contact Equisys technical support if you require the hotfix. Status This has been identified by Equisys as a problem with the software versions given above and is currently resolvable by installing a hotfix. Last updated: 14th December 2009 (BM/MW)