Equisys technical notes

Technical guidance, explanations and fixes for our products

HOWTO: Backup and Restore a network folder based Zetadocs Archive



ID: ZTN4291

This Zetadocs technical note applies to:

  • Version 6.0 of Zetadocs for Microsoft Dynamics NAV
  • Zetadocs Express


This technote details the steps required to backup and restore the Zetadocs Archive folder and associated Zetadocs Archive database, it is not suitable for those using SharePoint.

More information

The Zetadocs Archive utilizes a folder on your network and a SQL database in combination to store the documents and associated metadata respectively. This enables Zetadocs to provide a link between your NAV records and the associated documents in the archive.  

The Zetadocs Archive folder and database should be regularly backed up to ensure the minimum amount of data is lost in the case of failures.  The steps below will demonstrate how to do this without losing existing functionality or access to items already archived.


The steps below make use of the Microsoft SQL Management Studio which is available from Microsoft as a free download here.

Backup recommendations

  • Keep the Zetadocs Archive folder and database in sync - It is recommended that the backups of both elements are taken at the same time and is best done when users are not adding items to the archive. Such as outside office hours.
  • Take backups regularly – To minimise the impact of any potential incidents and the amount of work in recovering, daily backups are recommended
  • Automatic scheduling – Where possible try to automate the process to ensure that it is carried out regularly and reliably.
  • Test your restore strategy – Backups only work in conjunction with a reliable restore process, this should be tested to ensure recovery is possible.
  • Separate storage for backups – Your backup should be stored separately from the archive, preferably on a separate site to protect against disaster as well as hardware failure.

Backing up the Zetadocs Archive folder and database

  • Go to the start menu and search for Services.msc.
  • Stop the Zetadocs Archive Service.
  • Locate your Zetadocs Archive folder and take a copy of its contents and store this in a secure location.
  • Next open Microsoft SQL Management Studio and connect to the ZETADOCS instance by selecting < exampleservername> \ZETADOCS and pressing Connect.
  • In the Object Explorer window select Databases and right click on ZetadocsArchive and select Tasks -> Back Up
  • The “Back Up Database – ZetadocsArchive” window will appear, ensure the Backup type is set to Full.
  • In the “Backup set” section specify a suitable name and description for the backup.
  • In the “Destination” section specify a suitable location for the backup and select OK.
  • The SQL Management Studio will let you know when this has completed, locate the backup and copy this to a secure location. This process can be scheduled to run automatically, details on how are available from Microsoft here.
  • Go to the start menu and search for Services.msc.
  • Start the Zetadocs Archive Service.

Restoring the Zetadocs Archive folder and database

  • Go to the start menu and search for Services.msc.
  • Stop the Zetadocs Archive Service.
  • Copy the contents of your Zetadocs Archive folder backup into the existing Zetadocs Archive folder.  Overwrite files if necessary.
  • Copy your Zetadocs Archive database backup file (.bak) to the C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.ZETADOCS\MSSQL\Backup folder or the equivalent location on your machine.
  • Next open Microsoft SQL Management Studio and connect to the ZETADOCS instance by selecting < exampleservername> \ZETADOCS and pressing Connect.
  • In the Object Explorer window select Databases and right click on ZetadocsArchive and select Tasks-> Restore -> Database…
  • In the Source for restore section select the From device: radio button and click the button at the end of the field.
  • This opens the Specify Backup window, set the Backup media to file.
  • Click the Add button and specify the location of your backup file before clicking OK.
  • Return to the Restore Database window and click OK, SQL Management Studio will let you know when this has completed.
  • Go to the start menu and search for Services.msc.
  • Start the Zetadocs Archive Service.


ZTN4289-HOWTO Move the Zetadocs Archive to another server

ZTN4300-HOWTO Move the Zetadocs Archive folder to another location

ZTN4299-HOWTO Install the Zetadocs Archive on Windows Server 2003

Last updated 4th December 2013 (MW/)

Equisys Logo, Document Management and Expense Management for Business Central

Zetadocs is software for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and NAV (Navision) that manages the capture, storage and delivery of documents relating to financial transactions.