HOWTO: Best practices for Zetadocs for NAV report printing
ID: ZTN4248
This Zetadocs technical note applies to:
- Zetadocs for Microsoft Dynamics NAV
This document outlines the common issues relating to the printing process which can include the following:
- After printing a report the Zetadocs Client opens but the documents are not loaded.
- Documents are loaded into the client however it has not populated the addressing fields or applied the template/stationery.
- The Zetadocs Delivery Dialog is not displayed despite being enabled in Zetadocs Report Settings.
More information
Report Mark-up
- Ensure reports are marked up correctly.
The easiest method of adding Zetadocs code to your NAV reports is to use our Reports Modification Tool which can be found here -
Sometimes a report is heavily customised and may need to be modified manually. If so please ensure you have carefully followed the instructions within the installation guide under the chapter “Manual Modification of the NAV pages, forms and reports” -
If you have problems printing a report, try testing with our sample reports which can be found within a FOB file as part of the Zetadocs for Dynamics NAV installation package. They will be imported to the Reports – 90099xx range. This will quickly determine whether the problem is report related or another an issue elsewhere in NAV.
- Zetadocs textbox report section/layout
Part of the process of marking up a report is to place a Zetadocs text box in the header and body sections on the section/layout. We recommend following these guidelines:
- The Zetadocs textbox in the header section works better when not placed horizontally in-line with another element. The Zetadocs reference number generated in this textbox is used to tie the document together with any addressing information and automation options. Sometimes this information can be misinterpreted if the reference is not isolated from other text on the report.

- Where the Zetadocs textbox is placed in the body section of the report layout/section, ensure it is within the ‘list1’ container. You can see this by viewing the Document Outline.

Zetadocs license
When printing a report, Zetadocs code within a NAV report will not run successfully until the Zetadocs Client has been correctly licensed.
To check if it has been licensed within NAV select Administration > Zetadocs Setup > Zetadocs General Settings > General tab.

As per the above screenshot, make sure the License Number has been populated along with the License Type field.
The license is configured in the Zetadocs PDF Client software.
- Launch Zetadocs PDF Client from Start menu.
- Go to Tools > Options.
- Select the Licensing tab.
Reports in landscape orientation
Please be aware there is potential for issues when RDL reports, launched from the RTC, are formatted in landscape orientation. The can cause documents which are loaded into the Zetadocs PDF Client to not have the addressing fields populated or any templates/stationery applied.
Note: Landscape reports when run from Classic Client (or classic report run from RTC) are unaffected.
For more information please review the following technote -
Terminal services/Citrix
When the Zetadocs Client attempts to load documents after printing, it expects to the find the files in the user’s temp folder (%TEMP%). On terminal services the temp folder changes on each user session so it is important Zetadocs PDF Printer determines the correct one at print time.
A possible issue can arise where Zetadocs PDF Client launches after printing but the document does not load.
Last updated: 30th May 2013 (JW/MW)