Equisys technical notes

Technical guidance, explanations and fixes for our products

HOWTO: Configure the hp LaserJet 4100mfp series digital sender with Zetafax



ID: ZTN1313

This Zetafax technical note applies to:

  • Zetafax 8.0 and later
  • HP Digital Sending Software (DSS) (v3.4.7)


The HP LaserJet 4100mfp can be configured to use Zetafax as a third-party LanFax software product for the delivery of faxes using the HP MFP Digital Sending Software.

This document will explain the following:

  • How to enable HP network scanner support within Zetafax
  • How to configure the HP MFP Digital Sending Software's LanFax settings for Zetafax

More information

How to enable HP network scanner support within Zetafax 

  1. Open the Zetafax configuration by selecting Start|Programs|Zetafax|Zetafax Configuration.
  2. From the Zetafax configuration select the 'Server settings' options then double click 'HPSCAN direct scan-to-fax program'.

  1. Click the check box next to 'Enable the HP network scanner support' to activate the HPSCAN support as below.

  1. Select the browse button to specify the directory which the HPSCAN program will check for scanned documents (.HPF files) to be faxed.
  2. If you plan on sending faxes from the 4100mfp using domain authentication it is not necessary to configure the Zetafax user accounts section.  If however, you plan on sending faxes anonymously you must configure a 'Guest account' or the Zetafax server will reject the fax.

How to configure the HP MFP Digital Sending Software's LanFax settings for Zetafax

  1. If it is not already installed, install the HP MFP Digital Sending Software onto the Zetafax server.

Note: The DSS software can be installed on any server, but we recommend the Zetafax server to avoid permissions related issues.

  1. Once installed, verify that the HP MFP Digital Sender Service is running.
  2. Open the HP MFP Digital Sending Software Configuration Utility by selecting Start|Programs|Hewlett-Packard|HP MFP Digital Sending Software|Configuration Utility.
  3. Select the 'Fax' tab and select 'LanFax' as the Faxing Method.


  1. In the Product Name drop-down box select Zetafax.
  2. The Folder path should point to the directory specified in the HPSCAN settings configured in step 3 of 'How to enable HP network scanner support within Zetafax'.
  3. The Log-on Credentials: sections does not need to be configured if the Folder path is located on a local drive.  If the HP Digital Sending Software and Folder path are located on separate servers, then Log-on Credentials must be configured.  In the later case, click 'Verify Folder Access' to confirm the configuration settings.
  4. Select the 'MFP Configuration' tab, highlight the configured MFP in the list, and click on the 'Configure MFP(s).' button in the lower right hand corner.

  1. Check the Enable Authentication box if you require the user to be authenticated before he/she is allowed to use the Digital Sending features of this 4100MFP.  If authentication is required, check the Send to fax box and select the Default Domain from the drop-down list.

  1. Check the Enable Send to Fax checkbox to enable the Send to Fax features.

  1. Select the appropriate fax notification Default Action.  Note: the E-mail notification option is only available when Authentication is enabled.
  2. In the Product Name drop-down box select Zetafax.
  3. The Default Billing Code option is currently not supported by Zetafax.  Any codes entered here, or at the MFP, will not be added to the faxed documents.

Last Updated: 15 December 2005 (MS)

First Published: 21September 2003 (AA/SV)

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