HOWTO: Install Zetadocs for NAV client in a Terminal Services / Citrix environment
ID: ZTN4007
This Zetadocs technical note applies to:
- Version 4.0 of Zetadocs for NAV and later
Supported Operating Systems:
- Windows Server 2012 with Remote Desktop Services
- Windows Server 2008 R2 with Remote Desktop Services
- Windows Server 2008 R2 with Citrix XenApp 5 and 6
- Windows Server 2008 with Windows Terminal Services
- Windows Server 2008 with Citrix Presentation Server 4.5
- Windows Server 2003 with Windows Terminal Services
- Windows Server 2003 with Citrix Presentation Server 4.5
This how-to guide will ensure that the Zetadocs NAV client is correctly installed in a Terminal Services environment. In summary, the steps include:
- Checking that your scenario is supported
- Ensuring you are logged onto the terminal server locally as an administrator
- Ensuring the permissions are granted to install kernel-mode printer drivers (Windows Server 2003 systems and Zetadocs for NAV 4.2 and below only)
- Installing the Zetadocs for NAV client through a command prompt
- Adding the printer settings startup application
- Testing the Zetadocs for NAV client
- Additional Steps for Citrix Published Application
- Additional Step for Roaming Profiles
Supported Terminal Services Scenarios
REMOTE SESSION MODE - Fully supported
An application (e.g. Word) and Zetadocs PDF are installed onto the terminal server. A single remote session is opened onto the server. The user opens an application (e.g. Word) in the remote session, prints to Zetadocs PDF. Zetadocs PDF will launch automatically within the remote session.
An application (e.g. Word) and Zetadocs PDF are installed onto the terminal server. An application (e.g. Word) runs as a published application (in a remote session) and prints to the Zetadocs PDF printer. In this scenario Zetadocs PDF starts up in the same window as the published application. When both applications are terminated, the window closes down automatically.
REMOTE MODE - Not supported
An application (e.g. Word) is installed on the client and Zetadocs PDF is installed on the server. An application (e.g. Word) is opened on the client but not within a remote session. The client application is still able to see the shared Zetadocs PDF printer on the remote server. However, the application cannot print to the printer in this case.
MIXED MODE - Not supported
An application (e.g. Word) is installed on the terminal server and Zetadocs PDF is installed on the client. In this mode, Word runs as a published application (in a remote session) and prints to the Zetadocs PDF printer. The user starts up Zetadocs PDF on the client machine (NOT in a remote session). In this scenario the client is unable to pick up the files from the server and so this scenario is not supported.
Ensure you are logged in as an Administrator
Log onto the terminal server system as an administrator. Please ensure you are logged on locally and not through a terminal services session.
Kernal Mode Printer Driver Install Permissions (Windows Server 2003 and Zetadocs for NAV 4.2 and below only)
Windows Server 2003’s default security settings will not allow Zetadocs PDF Printer Drivers to install, as support for Kernel Mode Drivers is disallowed.
To enable support for Kernel Mode Drivers:
- From the Start menu select run.
- In the run dialog type gpedit.msc and press OK.

- Browse to the disallow installation of printers using kernel-mode drivers option in Computer configuration> Adminstrative Templates> Printers.

- Use the right click menu to open the Properties dialog.
- Set this option to Disabled and select OK.

Install the Zetadocs for NAV client through a command prompt
The Zetadocs for NAV client should be installed through a command prompt. This allows us to put the terminal server into install mode before the installation so that the application is installed for all users.
Please Note: You should uninstall any existing Zetadocs Client components before proceeding with this step.
- Log onto the Terminal Server machine locally as an administrator.
- Open a command prompt.
- Enter the following command to put the Terminal Server into install mode:
- Still in the command prompt, change directory to the “Zetadocs NAV Client” folder.
- Enter the command from the following list that is applicable to the version of the software required:
- Setup-All.exe
- Setup-Capture.exe
- Setup-Delivery.exe
- Run through the installer UI as normal.
- When the install is complete, enter the following command in the command prompt to put the Terminal Server back into execute mode:
Printer Settings Startup Application
Please note users installing version 5.5 of Zetadocs for NAV can skip this step.
The Zetadocs printer outputs print jobs to the user’s temporary folder. In a Terminal Services system the temporary folder can change after the user logs out and in again because the session ID has changed. The Zetadocs Printer sometimes does not detect the change in temporary folder location and so outputs print jobs to the wrong place. To solve this problem:
- Download the fix from the link below:
- Extract both files into a folder which is accessible by all users on the Terminal Server.
- Add a shortcut to “PrintSettingsStartupApp.exe” in Start > Programs > Startup folder for all users.
- This folder is hidden on Windows Server 2012, users should open a Windows explorer and type C:\users\< username> \AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
Note: The Zetadocs users must have “Manage Printer” permissions for the Zetadocs Printer in order to run this fix.
- On a client system, start a desktop terminal session. Logging on as a user with a valid Zetadocs PDF account.
- Open Microsoft NAV. Create a sample document by printing from a report which has been modified for Zetadocs for NAV.
- Print your sample document to the Zetadocs PDF printer.
- Once the document has been successfully printed Zetadocs PDF will be started and the printed document will appear in the document explorer window.
Additional Steps for Citrix Published Application
Publish Microsoft NAV for use with Zetadocs Client
- On the Citrix server, run the Citrix Access Management Console from Start > All Programs > Citrix > Management Consoles.
- Expand Citrix Resources > Presentation Server > < Citrix farm>

- Right click on Applications and select New > Publish Application.
- Give the published application a name and description. Click Next.
- Choose Application and Access from server. Click Next.
- You will now need to browse to your Microsoft NAV executable. The default path is C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\CSIDE Client\fin.exe (or finsql.exe depending on whether you are running the SQL version). Click Next.
- Choose a Citrix server which will publish the application. Click Next.
- Enable the users and/or groups who can access the published application. Click Next.
- Continue with the wizard enabling any features you wish to use. Click on Finish at the end.
Test the Zetadocs Client from a Published Application
- Run Program Neighbourhood from Start > Programs > Citrix > Citrix Access Clients > Program Neighbourhood.
- Open Microsoft NAV. Create a sample document by printing from a report which has been modified for Zetadocs for NAV.
- Print your sample document to the Zetadocs PDF printer.
- Once the document has been successfully printed Zetadocs client will be started and the printed document will appear in the document explorer window.
- Send the document via email, hard copy or fax.
Additional Steps for Roaming Profiles
By default Zetadocs settings are stored in the user’s local application data folder. If roaming profiles are being used this means the settings may not be carried across when the user logs out and back in again. To correct this problem a registry key needs to be created to tell the Zetadocs Client that roaming profiles are being used and that it should store settings in the application data folder of the user’s roaming profile. To add the registry key please follow the steps below:
- From the start menu, click Run…
- Type the following then click ok:
- In the Registry Editor navigate to the appropriate registry key for your system from the keys below:
- X64: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Equisys\Zetadocs PDF\
- Add a new string value called “RoamingUsers” with a value of “1”.
- Close the Registry Editor.
- Start the Zetadocs PDF Client and check that a new folder has been created called:
- %appdata%\Equisys\Zetadocs PDF\
Sending Emails with Lotus Notes
Zetadocs PDF uses the Notes API to communicate with Lotus Notes. Lotus Notes requires a custom install under a Terminal Services environment. During the customer install the \notes\data directory is moved so it is unique for each user session on the Terminal server. As the Notes API is unable to find the \notes\data\NOTES.INI file, it assumes the application is not installed.
The resolution assumes you have installed Lotus Notes on your Terminal Services/Citrix server following the instructions given on the IBM website in the following article - “Basic steps for installing Lotus Notes on a Citrix MetaFrame server” uid=swg21202109
In the example given, each Notes user’s \notes\data directory will be w:\notes\data. The Notes API needs to know about this new location. This is achieved by editing the PATH variable on the Terminal Services/Citrix server so it reflects w:\notes\data. Where w: is the standard user's home drive assignment.
- Log on to the Terminal server as an Administrator.
- Right click the My Computer and choose Properties.
- Select the Advanced tab and click the Environment Variables button.
- Scroll to the Path under the System Variables and click Edit.
- Put the cursor at the beginning of the current Variable Value entry and amend it so that w:\notes\data; is the first entry. Paths are separated by a semi colon e.g. w:\notes\data;%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%
- Reboot the Terminal server to apply the system variable change.
- Logon to the Terminal server again, launch a cmd prompt and type PATH to confirm the path now reflects w:\notes\data.
Configure Zetadocs PDF to Send via Lotus Notes again. You should now not receive any error messages. If you get the error “The password is incorrect. Please re-enter the password and make sure that your other settings are correct.” Next confirm the path (w:\notes\data) is at the beginning of the path variable and that the NOTES.INI file in that folder, contains details for the user you specified in the Zetadocs PDF Server Settings Window.

Password incorrect when sending emails using Lotus Notes
After clicking OK on the “Server Settings” dialog you receive the following error, whilst trying to configure Zetadocs PDF to Send via Lotus Notes, even though you’ve entered your password correctly:

Zetadocs PDF uses the Notes API to communicate with Lotus Notes. When Lotus Notes is installed under Terminal servers with non-local profiles and non-local Lotus configuration files, the password verification fails.
A hotfix download is NO longer available to fix this issue:
32-bit version:
64-bit version:
Although a hotfix is available that allows you to configure sending via Lotus Notes, you have to have Lotus Notes open and the “View emails before sending” checkbox checked for sending to work.

Last updated: 8th May 2013 (JW/MW)