ID: ZTN3521
This Zetafax technical note applies to:
- Zetadocs version 2.01.64 and later
Supported Operating Systems:
- Windows 2003 Standard Edition with Terminal Services
- Windows 2003 Server with Citrix Presentation Server 4.0
- Windows 2000 Server with Terminal Services
This how-to guide will ensure that Zetadocs PDF is correctly installed in a Terminal Services environment. In summary, the steps include:
- Check that your scenario is supported.
- Ensure you are logged in as Administrator.
- Ensure Terminal Server is set to Application Server/Terminal Server mode.
- Ensure permissions are granted to install kernel-mode printer drivers on Windows 2003 systems.
- Install Zetadocs PDF through Add/Remove programs (directly on the terminal server and not from within an RDP session).
- Test Zetadocs PDF
On some systems due to default Windows security settings, Zetadocs PDF Printer Drivers are not automatically installed. The following information will allow you to manually configure these drivers.
More information
Step 1: Ensure that your scenario is supported
Remote Session mode: Supported
An application (e.g. Word) and Zetadocs PDF are installed onto the terminal server. A single remote session is opened onto the server. The user opens an application (e.g. Word) in the remote session, and prints to Zetadocs PDF. Zetadocs PDF will launch automatically within the remote session. Zetadocs PDF is able to start Microsoft Outlook in the remote session.
Published Application mode: Supported
An application (e.g. Word) and Zetadocs PDF are installed onto the terminal server. An application (e.g. Word) runs as a published application and prints to the Zetadocs PDF printer. In this scenario Zetadocs PDF starts up in the same window as the published application. When both applications terminate, the published application window closes down automatically.
Remote mode: Not supported
An application (e.g. Word) is installed on a client machine and Zetadocs PDF is installed on the terminal server. An application (e.g. Word) is opened on the client but not within a remote session. The client application is still able to see the shared Zetadocs PDF printer on the remote server. However, the application cannot print to the printer in this case.
Mixed mode: Not supported
An application (e.g. Word) is installed on the terminal server and Zetadocs PDF is installed on a client machine. In this mode, Word runs as a published application (in a remote session) and prints to the Zetadocs PDF printer. The user starts up Zetadocs PDF on the client machine (not in a remote session). In this scenario the client is unable to pick up the printed files from the server and so this scenario is not supported.
Step 2: Ensure you are logged in as Administrator
Logon on to the terminal server system as a user with administrative rights.
Step 3: Ensure that the Terminal Server is set to Application Server/Terminal Server mode
Before installation, the terminal server must be switched into Application Server mode (Windows 2000) or Terminal Server mode (Windows 2003).
See;en-us;306626& sd=tech
Step 4: Ensure permissions are granted to install kernel-mode printer drivers (Windows 2003 only)
- From the Start menu select run.
2. In the run dialog type gpedit.msc and press OK

3. Browse to the disallow installation of printers using kernel-mode drivers option in Computer configuration|Adminstrative Templates|Printers:

4. Use the right click menu to open the Properties dialog:
5. Set this option to Disabled and select OK.

Step 5: Install Zetadocs PDF through Add/Remove programs
Note: Installing the Zetadocs PDF application and printers should be done by logging onto the terminal server system and not via a terminal session.
- Start the Add or Remove Programs control panel applet.
- Click on Add New Programs then click on the CD or Floppy. (as below)

3. When prompted to insert a program disk, click Next then Browse.

4. Locate the file ZetadocsPDF.exe. Select it and click the Open button.
5. On the Run Installation Program dialog box, click Next.
6. If prompted with an Open File - Security Warning click Run.

- The Zetadocs PDF installation will now start, select the language you wish to install, then click OK

- Zetadocs PDF should install successfully. Click Finish to complete the installation
- Click Next on the Windows After Installation dialog box. Then Finish.
- To verify the Zetadocs printer has installed correctly, browse to the Printers and Faxes folder, there should be a Zetadocs printer installed.
Note: If the installation of Zetadocs PDF has failed for some reason, please refer to the following Microsoft TechNet article:
Step 6: Test Zetadocs PDF
- On a client system, start a desktop terminal session. Logging on as a user which has a valid Zetadocs PDF account.
- Create a sample document by opening notepad, and typing some text.
- Print your sample document to the Zetadocs PDF printer.
- Once the document has been successfully printed Zetadocs PDF will be started and the printed document will appear in the document explorer window.
ZTN3519-INFO: Guide to Zetadocs PDF features supported in a terminal services environment
ZTN1290-INFO: Summary of Zetafax features supported in an terminal services environment
Last updated: 02 June 2006 (LD/EB)
First published:13 February 2006 (NL/EB/SD/PC)