HOWTO: Send emails with Zetadocs Client using Google Mail
ID: ZTN3595
This Zetadocs technical note applies to:
- Zetadocs PDF v6.x and above
- Version 5 of Zetadocs for Microsoft Dynamics NAV
- Version 2.5 of Zetadocs for Microsoft Dynamics GP
This technote describes the steps required to configure the Zetadocs Client to submit emails via a Google Mail account.
More information
- SMTP server which can relay email with TLS/SSL encryption.
- Google Mail account.
There are various SMTP server applications which can be used in this scenario but Microsoft IIS SMTP Server will be used as an example as it is available for free on Windows 2003 and 2008 platforms.
Step 1 – Install IIS with SMTP Server feature
Note: It is recommended that this email relay is not installed on an existing SMTP email server (e.g. MS Exchange) or other email services as there may be conflicts.
Windows 2003 systems –
Windows 2008 systems –
Step 2 – Enable IMAP on Google Mail account
- Log into your Google Mail account and go to Settings.
- Click on the Forwarding and POP/IMAP tab and select Enable IMAP.

Step 3 – Configure IIS SMTP Server to relay email to the Google Mail account
- Launch Internet Information Services Manager from Administrative Tools (On an IIS7 system, you must run IIS 6.0 Manager).
- Right click on the SMTP Virtual Server and select Properties.

- Click on the Access tab.

- Click on the Authentication button and check the box Anonymous access.

- Click OK.
- Next select the Relay button.
- Here you can specify the IP address ranges or single machines which are allowed to relay email via this server, click OK when finished.

- Click on the Delivery tab.

- Select Outbound Security followed by Basic Authentication and enter the email address of your Google Mail account in the username field.
- Enter the password you use to log into your account.

- Next ensure TLS encryption is checked and click OK.
- Select Outbound Connections and set TCP port to 587 and click OK.

- Next select Advanced and enter a Fully-qualified domain name, this is normally in the format < computer name> .< domainname> .
- Enter in the Smart host field and click OK.

The settings for IIS are now complete. You can optionally click on the Security tab to specify which domain users can relay email through this server.
If the SMTP Virtual Server has not been started all ready, right click on it and select Start.
Step 4 – Add a firewall exception
You must add an exception rule on your firewall for Port 587 TCP to allow connections from the SMTP relay server to the external network (internet).
The steps to configuring your firewall fall outside of the scope of this technote. Please contact your IT department.
Step 5 – Configuring Zetadocs PDF Client
- Launch Zetadocs PDF client and go to Tools > Options and select the General tab.
- Under Email Integration select Send via SMTP.
- Fill in the following details to complete your configuration:
SMTP Server: the IP address of SMTP server you had configured in Step 3.
Port: 25
From: specify the email address you would like displayed in the From field of the email.
Username: a domain user who has been given permissions to relay to IIS (set in the security tab in Step 3).
Password: domain user’s password.

Last updated: 15th March 2013 (JW/MW)
Keywords: Google Gmail SMTP relay