Equisys technical notes

Technical guidance, explanations and fixes for our products

HOWTO: Setup an AudioCodes Mediant 800 with Zetafax



ID: ZTN1868

This Zetafax technical note applies to:

  • Zetafax version 2010 or later for Std FoIP, and Zetafax v12 or later for FoIP SR140 Edition.
  • Zetafax FoIP Std Edition Connector
  • Zetafax FoIP SR140 Edition Connector


This document will describe the steps required to configure an AudioCodes Mediant 800 gateway to work with Zetafax and the Fax over IP connector.

More information

Ensure you have connected the power supply, BRI line(s) and LAN via an Ethernet connection.

To configure your Zetafax system, there are two simple stages. The first stage is to configure your AudioCodes media gateway, once this has been completed you can proceed to the second stage configuring your Zetafax server. The AudioCodes gateway is supplied with Zetafax configuration files and Scenario files that can be directly loaded onto the gateway minimizing the steps required to configure your unit.

Obtaining the Zetafax Configuration files

You can download the Zetafax base AudioCodes configuration from the link below:


Step 1: Setting the IP Address

By default the AudioCodes gateway is configured with the IP address of This IP address will most likely need to be changed to fit into your existing infrastructure. The AudioCodes media must be set with a static IP address.

Please connect a laptop to the gateway and (using Change Adapter Settings) set the laptop’s IP address to / 24.  Please open a web browser and connect to using the login credentials Admin:Admin which is case sensitive.

  1. Please select the Configuration button.
  2. Select the Full Radio Button.
  3. Select VoIP > Network > IP Settings.
  4. Please select Index and then Edit.
  5. Correct the IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway then click Apply.
  6. Please select Device Actions and Re-set from the top if the page, then Re-set. This will burn the changes and reboot the Unit.
  7. You can now plug the unit into the main network and reconnect to the unit through the web interface.

Step 2: upload the Zetafax Default settings

To simplify the configuration of the gateway our technical team have produced a standard configuration to upload to the unit which you can tweak to your exact requirements. For most installations the standard configuration works without the need to change any settings, other than running through the basic scenario screens.

  1. From your AudioCodes web interface select the Device Actions button from the top of the page, then select Load Configuration File.
  2. From the Configuration file screen select the Browse button. Locate the “Zetafax_M800_Settings.ini” file provided by our technical team, then select Send INI.
  3. Your device will restart. Please wait for the gateway to reboot.

Step 3: Configure your AudioCodes gateway

Equisys provide an example configuration which has been tested for use with standard British Telecom’s ISDN2. This configuration may need tweaking for operation on specific sites.

Configuring trunks:

  1. Select VoIP > PSTN > Trunk Settings.
  2. Select Each ISDN line used and enable the trunk by selecting the ISDN Type.
  3. The port should go green to indicate the ISDN is connected and configured correctly. If the port remains red, please check the correct ISDN options have been selected and that the ISDN signal is present on the port. If the port remains orange, please check the ISDN settings then click Submit.

  4. Select VoIP > GW and IP to IP > Trunk Group > Trunk Group.
  5. Please add a line for each ISDN2 line connected to the unit. The example image below shows a configuration for 2 ISDN2 lines connected, giving a total of four FoIP channels.  Use the value Trunk Group 1 for each ISDN line and then click Submit.

Allowing your Gateway to communicate with the server

You will need to configure your AudioCodes gateway to talk to your Zetafax Server. The AudioCodes gateway is configured to route all traffic to the Zetafax server. This means that all calls presented to the device via the ISDN lines will be presented to the Zetafax server.

  1. Select VoIP > Control Network > Proxy Sets Table.
  2. Set the IP address of your Zetafax server in line 1 of the Proxy Table with the Transport Type UDP.


Please do not forget to burn your settings before continuing or else your gateway will lose the configuration changes made when power is lost.


Zetafax Configuration

To setup your Zetafax server to communicate via the AudioCodes media gateway please follow the online help for your edition of Zetafax FoIP connector.

Zetafax FoIP SR140 Edition


Zetafax FoIP Standard Edition


Last updated: 24 Oct 2011 (AF/MW)

Equisys Logo, Document Management and Expense Management for Business Central

Zetafax is our award winning fax server software that delivers secure, fast and cost effective document distribution.