Equisys technical notes

Technical guidance, explanations and fixes for our products

HOWTO Setup Roles and Permissions with Zetadocs Express



ID: ZTN4158

This Zetadocs technical note applies to:

  • Version 5.0 of Zetadocs Express


This technote will guide you through the setup of roles and permissions in NAV to enable Zetadocs Express to work effectively.

More Information

To enable an NAV systems user’s access to the features of Zetadocs Express they need to have their roles and permissions setup within NAV. Zetadocs comes with two xml files which contain the role and permission settings.

Role: ZETADOCSEXPRESS - grants access to the standard Zetadocs forms and tables and allows you to use and configure Zetadocs Express.


  1. Open the Dynamics NAV Classic Client.
  2. From the navigation pane select Administration Application Setup > Company Setup > Data Migration.
  3. The Migration Overview form will appear, select the Functions button and then Import from XML.
  4. Go to your product download folder and open the ZetadocsExpressRole.xml file.
  5. When the import is complete return to the Migration Overview form, highlight the row containing the imported Role and select the Migration button and then choose the Apply Migration Data option.


  1. Open the Dynamics NAV Classic Client.
  2. From the navigation pane select Administration > Application Setup > Company Setup > Data Migration.
  3. The Migration Overview form will appear, select the Functions button and then Import from XML.
  4. Go to your product download folder and open the ZetadocsExpressPermissions.xml file.
  5. When the import is complete return to the Migration Overview form, highlight the row containing the imported Permissions and select the Migration button and then choose the Apply Migration Data option.

Note: After the “Apply Migration Data” you need to initiate the execution of the synchronization process “Synchronize All Logins”.

Setting up Users

Once the standard roles and permissions have been imported you will need to assign the role to your various users. 

To assign a role to a user simply:

  1. Click Tools >  Security >  Roles and the Roles window will appear.
  2. Select the Zetadocs Express role and click the Role button and select the Windows Logins option.
  3. The Windows Logins window for this role will appear, this window lists all of the Windows users and groups that have already been given this role in Microsoft Dynamics NAV.
  4. To add a Windows user or group to the list, select an empty row.
  5. In the Login ID field, click the Assist Button and the Windows Logins window appears. This window contains a list of all the Windows users and groups that can log on to Microsoft Dynamics NAV.
  6. Select the one you want to assign this Zetadocs role to and click OK.
  7. This user or group will now be added to the list shown in the Windows Logins window for this role.


Last updated: 13th December 2011 (MW/) 

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Zetadocs is software for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and NAV (Navision) that manages the capture, storage and delivery of documents relating to financial transactions.