Equisys technical notes

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HOWTO: Show related documents from a list page



ID: ZTN4138

This Zetadocs technical note applies to:

  • Zetadocs for NAV v4.0 to v4.2


The installation instructions for Zetadocs for NAV explain how to add the related documents fast tab to any NAV role tailored client card page, but it may be desired to see related documents for a record which is only displayed on a list page. This technical note explains how to show related documents for this type of record.

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It is not possible to add the Zetadocs related documents fast tab to a list page, because there is more than one record, so we would not know which record to show related documents for.

The solution is to add a new action to show another Zetadocs page which will show the related documents for a given Zetadocs Archive ID.  There is a utility function available in the Zetadocs-Utilities codeunit (9009959) which makes this easier.  The code below shows how this is called:

ZdUtilities.ShowRelatedDocsDialog('ZDARCHID',< ZETADOCS ARCHIVE ID> , < CAPTION> ); 

Replace < ZETADOCS ARCHIVE ID> with the Zetadocs Archive ID of the record to search for and replace < CAPTION> with the caption to display on the Zetadocs Related Documents page that is displayed.

Last updated: 25/08/2011 (JW/MW)

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