HOWTO: Upgrade Zetalink from version 1.0 to 2.0
ID: ZTN2042
This Zetafax technical note applies to:
- Version 1.0 users wishing to upgrade to version 2.0
To upgrade Zetalink to version 2.0 the version 1.0 Zetalink system must first be uninstalled and then version 2.0 installed.
Also an improvement to the Zetalink security model means that the 'Zetalink service account'* is no longer required to be a member of the 'Domain Admins' group. Do not add the account to the domain admins group as specified in the Zetalink implementation guide.
* The user created as specified in the Zetalink implementation guide.
More information
Removing Zetalink 1.0 installation
- If more than one server is used for the Zetalink installation, run 'Add Remove Programs' applet from the 'Control Panel' on all the Zetalink servers excluding the central Zetalink Server (this will be the one running the 'Zetalink Timers' service). Select the Zetalink program and choose 'Remove'. This will remove the software from the server but not the user configuration information.
- Next on the Zetalink server run 'Add Remove Programs' from the 'Control Panel' and choose 'Remove'.
Note. During the removal process you will be prompted to delete or keep the Zetalink Database. Make sure you choose to keep the database. This will save all user configuration and can be used for the Version 2.0 install.

- Run 'User Manager' (Usrmgr.exe) on a Windows NT4 domain or 'Active Directory Users and Computers' (Administrative tools in the programs folder) on a Windows 2000 domain.
- Remove the 'Zetalink service account' and 'Zetalink Admins' group from the 'Domain Admins' group.
- Some systems will request a reboot at the end of the removal process, reboot these systems before continuing.
Installing Zetalink with an existing Database.
- Run the Zetalink 2.0 install from the CD on the Zetalink server. Select the option to install the Zetalink server on the current machine (as below) and work though the licensing section then click next.

- You will now be prompted to select the Zetalink components you want to install on this system (see below). If the MSDE option is selected you must deselect it and any other components you do not want installed on this system*. Then click 'Next'.

*Note: You should install these other components on other systems as documented in the Zetalink implementation guide.
- The install will ask for connection details and the location of the MSDE/SQL server. Select the MSDE Server using the browse button (as below). If the MSDE server is the local system it may not be available in the browse list but it can be typed manually.

- Select the NT authentication method if this is how the database was configured, otherwise provide the account as the built in SA account with a blank password (this is normally the default. If this had been altered please enter the correct password). Proceed with the rest of the install as usual.
- When prompted select the Zetalink service account then enter and confirm the password, (As below). Click 'Next' to continue. Then click 'Install' to begin the installation.

- The install will prompt with a dialog asking if you would like to keep the existing database or create a new database (as below). Select 'Yes' to keep the existing database.

- Install the other Zetalink components required on the other servers.
Note: All component installations will require a system reboot after installation.
How to 'Repair' user mailbox alert settings
Zetalink 2.0 provides the option for administrators to carry out a repair on all users of a particular exchange server to ensure that the settings on users' mailboxes are correctly synchronised with the alert rules listed in the Zetalink database. After upgrading it is recommended that this is done to avoid issues that may arise with mailbox alerts. To repair all the mailboxes alerts for an exchange server work through the following steps.
- Start the Zetalink Configuration program (Program files|Zetalink|), and browse to users section for the domain. Verify that all the users that will be using Zetalink are set to enabled*).

*If required enable users by right clicking and selecting 'Enable user'
- Browse to the components section then right click 'Exchange (EXSERVER)' and select 'Edit settings' (where EXSERVER is the name of you exchange server). You will be presented with a dialog box with a repair button (as below).

- Click on the 'Repair' button. This may take a few minutes if there are a number of mailboxes. Then click 'OK' to exit from the dialog box, then shut down the MMC.
When the installation is complete, some installation registry settings will need to be re-applied for more information please refer to the following documents:
ZTN2003-HOWTO Enable the Attachment handling for remote printing add-on with Exchange 2000"
ZTN2044-FIX Zetalink Release Notes Version
Last updated: 20 May 2002 (SV/DH)