HOWTO: Using LOGCVT to export the billing log. Print ZTN1007 ID: ZTN1007 This Zetafax technical note applies to: Zetafax 5 and later Summary LOGCVT is the Zetafax billing log conversion program. This processes the Zetafax billing log file (FAX.LOG), producing a file in a format suitable for printing or reading into another program (such as a spreadsheet). More information LOGCVT.EXE is a command line program in the zfax\SERVER directory, where 'zfax' is the name of the directory where the Zetafax server files are installed. The following settings are set in the zfax\SYSTEM\Z‑ DB\SETUP.INI configuration file. The [LOGCVT] section of SETUP.INI contains settings used by the billing log conversion program. The settings in this section allow the required formats to be defined. The [LOGCVT] section can contain the following settings: LogFormat: < string> Default: none Purpose: Specifies a name for the report format defined in the following lines (up to the end of the section, or until the next LogFormat: line). The format required can be specified when the LOGCVT program is run, otherwise it uses the first report format in the section. EndField: < string> Default: none Purpose: Specifies the characters to add to the report file after each field. The string can be any combination of alphanumeric or punctuation characters. Certain letters preceded by a '\' are treated specially, as follows: \r Carriage return (ASCII value 13) \n Line feed (ASCII value 10) \t TAB character (ASCII value 9) \s Space character (ASCII value 32) \\ Single "\" character Field: < string> Default: none Purpose: Specifies a field in the report file. The string can be any combination of alphanumeric or punctuation characters, or of the substituted parameters defined below. Certain letters preceded by a '\' are treated specially - see the list in the EndField: definition above. The parameters, which are substituted with values from the billing log, are as follows: %YY% year (2 digits) %YYYY% year (4 digits) %M% month number (no leading zeroes) %MM% month number (2 digits) %MMM% month name (eg "Jan") %D% day of month (no leading zeroes) %DD% day of month (2 digits) %TH% time hour (2 digits) %TM% time minute (2 digits) %TS% time seconds (2 digits) %USER% Zetafax user name of sender %FROM% full name of sender %TO% full name of recipient (as on coversheet) %ORG% organisation/company of recipient %ROUTE% route ("FAX" or "FAX-FINE") %FAX% fax number (alpha numeric only) %ERRX% error no or 0 if successful (4 hex digits) %ERRD% error no or 0 if successful (decimal) %PAGES% pages sent successfully %CHMS% connection time (format hh:mm:ss) %CSECS% connection time (seconds) %MSGID% Unique message ID %SERVER% LCR link used to submit fax. Parameters can be given a fixed width by using the format %< parameter> ,< width> % (where < parameter> is one of the names in the list above, and < width> is the number of characters required). If " width" is specified with a leading minus sign (" -" ), the parameter will be left justified. For example, to print the fax number in a field 20 characters wide, left justified you would use the line: Field: %FAX,-20% StartField: < string> Default: none Purpose: Specifies the characters to add to the report file before each field. The string can be any combination of alphanumeric or punctuation characters. Certain letters preceded by a '\' are treated specially - see the list in the EndField: definition above. References For additional information see the Zetafax Software Guide under "Billing Log Conversion" Last updated: 4 January 2000 (GC/GW)