INFO: Addressing dialog box appears briefly when using embedded addressing
ID: ZTN1158
This Zetafax technical note applies to:
When a document with embedded addressing is submitted to the Zetafax printer the addressing dialog box is displayed briefly on the screen before the fax is automatically submitted.
More information
The embedded addressing feature of Zetafax enables users to automate the process of addressing the fax by including this information as commands in the body of the document (see the 'References' section below for more information).
Because embedded addressing is the automation of the manual addressing process with the Zetafax client, the addressing dialog box is displayed whilst the Zetafax program populates the addressing fields then submits the fax automatically.
This process causes the addressing dialog box to briefly become the active window. Once the fax has been automatically addressed and submitted the dialog box disappears leaving the desktop with no active windows.
Users may find this process causes them to be unable to use another application whilst faxes are being submitted.
Note: Version 6.01 users running the Zetafax client on Windows 2000 will have a slightly different experience. When the document is printed to the Zetafax printer the client will remain in the background and the addressing dialog box will not become the active window, instead the Zetafax client button will flash on the taskbar until the user selects it. This behaviour with version 6.01 is due to changes in the operating systems between Microsoft Windows NT 4 and Windows 2000, later versions of the Zetafax client have been updated to account for these changes.
For additional information on embedded addressing please see the following Zetafax technical note:
ZTN1011-HOWTO Using embedded addressing
Last updated: 10 November 2005 (EB)
First Published: 3 October 2001 (SV/DH)