Equisys technical notes

Technical guidance, explanations and fixes for our products

INFO: Zetafax Server Routing FAQ



ID: ZTN1824

This Zetafax technical note applies to:

  • Zetafax 2010


This technote contains some frequently asked questions about routing in the Zetafax.

Can I Search on the CSID and CLI in the Zetafax archive?

Searching in the Zetafax client is currently limited to only be on the CLI.

What is the default routing order within Zetafax and how can I change this?

By default, routing will be done using the CSID of the incoming fax if there is one. If there is not a CSID, the CLI will be used. 

The order can be changed by specifying “SenderIDOrder: CLI CSID” in the “QUEUEMAN” section of setup.ini.

Please note that if the following conditions are true routing will NOT be performed:

  • The incoming fax contains both a CSID and CLI
  • Your sender id order is set to “CLI CSID”
  • You only have a rule for matching the CSID.

This is because when you have set the CLI to be the preferred value for matching and it is available it will be the only value that is used.

What call information is displayed in the Zetafax Client by default and can I change this per user?

The call information displayed in the Zetafax Client is controlled at a system level and so cannot be changed per user. 

The value displayed is dependent on the information that is received from the incoming fax and the routing rules that you have set up.  With no routing rules set up, if there is a CSID it will be used. If not, the CLI will be used. If there are routing rules, the company name from the matching rule will be used.

Are any characters supported or will some cause my fax routing to fail?

Special characters will be ignored in both the routing rules and the incoming call information, so routing rules will match correctly even if special characters are specified.

What can be specified as Sender ID rules? i.e. can you specify wildcards?

The Sender ID that is entered in the routing rule needs to match exactly what is received from the incoming fax. The values entered can match either the CLI or the CSID.

Wild cards cannot be used in the routing information because * is a valid character in a CSID.

Are there other routing options available?

The Zetafax API can be used as an alternative to the standard Zetafax routing options. Please refer to the Zetafax API help file for more information on this.

Some devices contain their own routing options. Please refer to your device driver help files for more information on what options are available for your device.

Last updated: 20th December 2010 (JW/MW)

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Zetafax is our award winning fax server software that delivers secure, fast and cost effective document distribution.