Equisys technical notes

Technical guidance, explanations and fixes for our products

PRB: Blank pages when printing from Navision in published application mode



ID: ZTN1264

  • Zetafax 7.5 and later
  • Navision 2.6
  • Windows 2000 Terminal services and Citrix Metaframe


All faxes submitted to the Zetafax printer from Navision consist only of blank pages. This only occurs when Navision is published as a Windows terminal services or Citrix application. Printing to a network or local printer outputs as expected.


There is an incompatibility between the Zetafax printer driver and the Navision spooler when used in this specific environment.


  1. Set the Zetafax printer as the default printer
  2. Then open up a print preview from within Navision of the item you want to print
  3. Within this preview window there should be a print icon, click on this icon and the item should be successfully printed to the Zetafax printer.


This has been identified by Equisys as a problem with the software versions given above.

Last updated: 03 June 2003 (GC/LD)

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Equisys produces software packages that help small and mid-market businesses become more efficient by dispensing with paper-based processes.