PRB: Error when trying to email documents a warning dialog appears when addressing email recipients from the Zetadocs Client
ID: ZTN3598
This Zetadocs technical note applies to:
- Zetadocs PDF Client version 8 with Zetafax Client installed
When clicking Send for a document or batch of documents, the emails do not send out to the recipients and an error message appears in the Messages pane in the Zetadocs Client.
Another recognised symptom is if a user tries to address a document by pressing the ‘To:’ button, the following warning dialog appears:

This issue occurs when the Zetafax Client is installed after the Zetadocs PDF Client, and the user is configured to send via Outlook. The zetadocsCdo.dll can in certain circumstances be unregistered by the Zetafax Client install process and the Outlook emailing capability is dependent on this DLL.
To resolve this issue, the zetadocsCdo.dll should be re-registered by performing the following steps:
- Open the command line (Click ‘Start’ and type ‘cmd’ and press Enter).
- Type in the following command:
regsvr32 C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Equisys\zetadocsCdo.dll
Note: The zetadocsCdo.dll will be in the ‘Program Files’ folder in 32 bit systems.
A confirmation dialog will appear with a success message. The Zetadocs Client will now have restored email capability.
This has been identified by Equisys as a problem with the software versions given above.
Last updated: 10th December 2012 (NT/MW)