PRB: Installing Zetadocs PDF printer driver fails with error code: 126 Print ZTN3511 ID: ZTN3511 This Zetadocs PDF technical note applies to: Zetadocs PDF versions 1.00 and 1.01 Symptom During installation of Zetadocs PDF client the Zetadocs PDF printer driver did not get installed. Cause This can be caused by missing a system file on the target machine that the Zetadocs PDF printer files rely on. Resolution Make sure the Windows Path environment variable points to the '%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\Wbem' folder. Also check the file 'winspool.drv' exists in the folder '\..\Windows\system32\'. If not then you can find it on your Windows CD under the same folder or copy it from another machine with the same operating system. Status This has been identified by Equisys as an issue with the software versions given above. Last updated: 15th June 2005 (NL/EB/SD/PC) Keywords: < Zetadocs PDF> < printer driver> < error 126>