Equisys technical notes

Technical guidance, explanations and fixes for our products

PRB: Logging off from a published application causes the terminal session to hang



ID: ZTN1168

This Zetafax technical note applies to:

  • Zetafax 7 and later
  • Windows 2000/2003 server (including the Citrix MetaFrame 1.8/XP add-ons)


When a user attempts to log off from the published application terminal session, the session appears to hang, and is unable to log off. This results in the session becoming unavailable until an administrator on the terminal server system resets the session.


When a user initiates a log off request for a published application session one of the programs that need to be shut down is the ZFDAEMON.EXE. This program is required for the 'Print to Fax' feature of Zetafax to function correctly. On some systems the ZFDAEMON.EXE fails to shut down when requested to do so by Windows and results in the operating system waiting for the ZFDAEMON.EXE to shut down indefinitely.


Administrators need to work through the following changes on their application server to rectify this.

NOTE: Once you have worked through this resolution, the terminal session that users run will automatically be disconnected when they exit out of the terminal window.

  1. On the terminal server system run the 'Terminal Services Configuration' MMCsnap in (Start|Programs|Administrative Tools|) and select the 'Connections' folder.

  1. You should now have a list of current connections configured on your server (as above). Double click the connection type you are using for your published applications to display the properties for that connection type (as below).

  1. Click on the 'Sessions' tab, Select the 'Override user settings' checkbox and select the 'Disconnect from session' option. This will cause Windows to disconnect the session when the user either logs off or closes a session window.

Note: If users experience this behaviour, once you have applied the workaround, you need to instruct them to close the window if the terminal session hangs when trying to disconnect.


This has been identified by Equisys as a problem with the software versions given above.


ZTN1149--HOWTO Enabling 'Print to Fax' with published applications in windows 2000 terminal services

ZTN1131-HOWTO Configure Zetafax 7 with Windows 2000 terminal services

ZTN1132-HOWTO Configure Zetafax 7 with Windows 2000 terminal services (mixed mode)

ZTN1146-FIX Print to fax with a Citrix application server installed on Windows 2000 fails to function correctly on some systems.

Last updated: 06 November 2001 (SV/DH)

Last reviewed: 25 October 2005 (MS/EB)

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