Equisys technical notes

Technical guidance, explanations and fixes for our products

PRB: WKSETUP does not install the Zetafax printers



ID: ZTN1164

This Zetafax technical note applies to:

  • Zetafax 5.5 and later


When installing the Zetafax Server or the Zetafax Client on a machine which is not a Terminal Server, one or both of the Zetafax printers are not installed. Additionally, you may get one of the following symptoms:

  • The Zetafax FaxMerge Printer installs successfully, but the Zetafax Printer is missing.
  • The error "Unable to install < printer name> - error 1722" appears during setup.
  • The error "Unable to install printer driver. 1801" appears during setup.
  • The error "Unable to install printer driver error 126" appears during setup.
  • A Dr Watson error in SSPOOL.EXE occurs during setup.
  • Additionally, when viewing the Windows Printers after Zetafax setup completes, other printers installed on the machine may appear to have disappeared.

For troubleshooting on a Terminal Services machine, please see ZTN1053 (for NT4) or ZTN1131 (for Windows 2000).

Note: Zetafax 9 has discontinued the FaxMerge printer on all Operating Systems apart from NT4 Terminal Server.


When installing printers on a Windows NT/2000 or XP Professional machine, the Zetafax installation programme must stop and restart the Spooler service. If it fails to do so, one of the errors above can occur.

Furthermore, there are some known circumstances where one of the printers will not install. These circumstances are also covered in this technical note.


The errors mentioned above can have different causes. Please read through this troubleshooting guide to find the possible solutions and workarounds.

Viewing the Windows printers after they have "disappeared"

If you cannot see any of the previously-installed Windows printers after running Zetafax Setup, this means that the Windows print spooler is stopped. To start it again, follow these instructions depending on your operating system:

Windows NT/2000 or XP: Go into Services, and then start the Print Spooler service (NT4) or Spooler service (2000) or Print Spooler (XP).

In some cases, you may find that the Zetafax printers also appear when the other printers are displayed.

Check whether one of the Zetafax printers is installed

The two Zetafax printers are slightly different and it is possible that only one of them is not installed, even if an error occurred during setup. Both printers can be used for basic print to fax functionality, so in most circumstances one will be enough for Zetafax to be operational. However, if you require embedded addressing support (see ZTN1011), you will need to have the Zetafax Printer installed.

Zetafax 5.x or 6.00x printers don't install on NT4 SP5 or higher

This problem is resolved by upgrading to version 6.01h or higher.

Only the FaxMerge printer installs on Windows 2000 Server or Advanced Server

If the Zetafax Printer is absent on a non Terminal Server Windows 2000 Server or Advanced Server machine, follow these instructions.

WARNING: Using Registry Editor incorrectly can cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall your operating system. Equisys cannot guarantee that problems resulting from the incorrect use of Registry Editor can be solved.

For information about how to edit the registry, view the " Changing Keys and Values" Help topic in Registry Editor (REGEDIT.EXE) or the " Add and Delete Information in the Registry" and " Edit Registry Data" Help topics in REGEDT32.EXE. Note that you should back up the registry before you edit it. If you are running Windows NT or Windows 2000, you should also update your Emergency Repair Disk (ERD).

  1. Run regedit and navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services
  2. Rename the sub-key TermService to a different name; for instance: TermService-Zetafax.
  3. Run Workstation Setup from Start, Programs, Zetafax to install the Zetafax Printer.

Error 1722 or 1801, or a Dr Watson error occurs during Zetafax setup

These errors occur if the spooler service could not be stopped or started during setup. In this case, work through these steps carefully to find what is preventing Zetafax setup from stopping the spooler.

  1. Check the user's permissions.
    The user who is running setup must be a member of the machine's Local Administrators group.
  2. Stop and start the spooler manually (NT/2000 and XP only).
    Go into Services and try to stop the Print Spooler service (NT) or Spooler service (2000) or Print Spooler (XP). If any Windows errors occur, these need to be resolved before trying to install Zetafax again.
  3. Stop the spooler manually and run setup again (NT/2000/XP only).
    On some machines, Zetafax setup times out while waiting for the spooler service to stop. Stopping the spooler in advance can prevent this type of problem.
  4. Check for services or applications using the spooler.

Close all unnecessary applications and services running on the machine. In particular, the following software is known to cause problems when installing the Zetafax printers:
- File and Print Services for Macintosh (service)
- File and Print Services for UNIX (service)
- QuickBooks services
- Microsoft Word
- Funk Software Proxy 3.0 or higher (needs to be uninstalled before running WKSETUP)
- Norton Antivirus Corporate Edition, if Funk Software Proxy is also installed

  1. Remove the share from local printers which are shared as network printers.
    It is possible that a shared printer prevents the spooler from stopping smoothly. Un-sharing the printer before running Zetafax setup will solve this problem.
  2. Install a printer if none has been installed on the machine before.
    In some cases, Windows files the Zetafax setup needs may be missing if no printer has ever been installed. Make sure a printer driver is installed before running Zetafax setup again: an Epson LQ-1000 will do, for instance.
  3. Run the Workstation Setup several times in a row.
    There is anecdotal evidence which suggests that running Workstation Setup several times will install the printers onto the system.

Error 126 occurs during Zetafax setup

On some Windows XP machines, the printer installation may fail because the spooler is unable to find the file framedyn.dll in the system path. This usually occurs because the system path has been modified to start with a relative path (e.g. %SystemRoot%\) instead of an absolute path (e.g. c:\winnt).  To check whether this is the problem, follow this procedure:

  1. In the Control Panel, select System, then click on the Advanced tab and the Environment variables... button.
  2. On the lower panel, System variables, scroll down until you see Path. The value to the right of Path should start with a valid absolute path, e.g. C:\Windows\System32; if it starts with %SystemRoot%\System32, the registry value type is incorrect and installation will fail.
  3. Highlight the Path entry and click the Edit button to edit it.
  4. Click the OK button to save the value. A reboot will be necessary before installing the drivers again



ZTN1025 HOWTO: Reinstalling the Mail Rendering Subsystem driver

ZTN1053 HOWTO: Configuring Zetafax 6.01 on an application server

ZTN1131 HOWTO: Configure Zetafax with Windows 2000/3 terminal services

ZTN1132 HOWTO: Configure Zetafax with Windows 2000/3 terminal services (mixed mode)

Last updated:  14 November 2005 (RM/EB)

First Published:   29 April 2004 (LD/SV)

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