PRB: Zetadocs Document Viewer will not display on top of NAV Print ZTN4036 ID: ZTN4036 This Zetadocs technical note applies to: Zetadocs for NAV 2.1 when used with NAV version 4.0 SP2 and earlier. Symptom When launching the Zetadocs Document Viewer from the document queue the Document Viewer will not retain focus and will not display on top of NAV. Cause This is due to an issue with the way the NAV 4.0 client handles multiple windows. Resolution This issue is resolved in NAV 4.0 SP3, so upgrading to this version of the NAV client or above will correct the problem. Status This has been identified by Equisys as a problem with the software versions given above. Last updated: 03/04/2009 (JW/MW)