Equisys technical notes

Technical guidance, explanations and fixes for our products

PRB: Zetadocs fails to archive to SharePoint when the target location contains special characters



ID: ZTN4087

This Zetadocs technical note applies to:

  • Zetadocs for GP 2.0
  • Zetadocs for NAV 2.0, 2.1 & 3.0


If the Zetadocs Client frequently reports messages indicating that archiving has failed when sending, from Zetadocs for GP or Zetadocs for NAV, for a particular customer then you may be experiencing this problem. Problematic characters include: ë,á,â,ä,è,é,ì,í,ò,ó,ù,ú,ü,ö and their uppercase versions. You can verify that you have this problem by comparing the archiving success/failure of companies with or without special characters.


The reason for the archiving failure is due to special characters which are not escaped or converted correctly to the target archive URL. This typically happens when you have configured Zetadocs for GP or Zetadocs for NAV to subfolder archived documents based on recipient company names. It is likely to be more prevalent on systems in non-english countries or systems with international customers/vendors.


To workaround this issue it is suggested that you modify your archiving subfoldering settings to use date subfoldering or document type if possible until a fix is available.


This has been identified by Equisys as a problem with the software versions given above.

Last updated: 21 May 2010 (BM/MW)

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