PRB: Zetafax client previews a previously sent fax
ID: ZTN1651
This Zetafax technical note applies to:
- Zetafax 2007 (Version 11)
After composing a fax in the Zetafax client, the preview is of a previously sent fax and not the one composed. However the recipient receives the correct newly composed fax and not the previous one in the preview. The Zetafax archive also has a copy of the correct fax sent.
The users preview directory has not been correctly cleared down when the previous fax was deleted from the Outbox. This can occur for a number of reasons, including if the Zetafax client does not have the correct file permissions or if the faxes in the \USERS\< username> \Z-OUT folder, have been manually deleted. This action is unsupported as the “Quick Tidy” function should be used instead.
Confirm the Zetafax user has full control to their zfax\USERS\< username> folder including all sub-directories (where zfax is the name of the Zetafax servers root folder).
Then use the “Quick Tidy” feature to clear down the entire users Outbox (see below). Then confirm the zfax\USERS\< username> \Z-OUT sub-folders are now all empty.

This has been identified by Equisys as a problem with the software versions given above.
Last updated: 15 November 2007 (GC/TA)
Keywords: < Zetafax> < Client>