PRB: Zetafax Printer fails to print on Windows 2000
ID: ZTN1138
This Zetafax technical note applies to:
Printing to the Zetafax printer from any application fails to produce an image spool file or produces and error 'Unable to create file "C:\WINNT\temp\Zetafax.spl"'
Zetafax Printers use the %SYSTEM%\temp folder, where %SYSTEM% is the location of the WINNT folder. Under Windows 2000, security permissions on the WINNT folder do not allow accounts not in the local Administrative group to write to it, thus any user without the correct permissions will not be able to print to this folder.
Create a folder on the C drive called 'temp'. Re-run the Workstation setup (WKSETUP.EXE) on the machine and choose the 'Edit configuration' option. Accept the dialog defaults until you are asked where you want the spooled print files to go.
Change the path to c:\temp and continue the update accepting the dialog defaults.
Zetafax version 7 is no longer supported by Equisys. This issue is resolved with the latest version of Zetafax. If you wish to upgrade to the latest version of Zetafax please contact the Zetafax distributor for your country for more information or:
EQUISYS plc - United Kingdom
Phone: 020 7203 4000 (Intl +44 20 7203 4000)
Fax: 020 7203 4005 (Intl +44 20 7203 4005)
EQUISYS Inc - USA and Canada
Phone: (770) 772 7201
Fax: (770) 442 5789
Last updated: 10 November 2005 (AA)