Equisys technical notes

Technical guidance, explanations and fixes for our products

FIX: Users without Zetadocs NAV Client installed are unable to print reports



ID: ZTN4420

This Zetadocs technical note applies to:

  • Zetadocs for NAV version 6.0 to 7.0


Users of NAV who are not licensed to use Zetadocs, and do not have the Zetadocs NAV Client components installed on their machine are not able to print a Zetadocs enabled report. The following error is shown in a dialog:

“There was an error generating Zetadocs printer output. Please contact your administrator“


Zetadocs NAV should perform a check for the existence of the Zetadocs NAV Client components. This check was not done early enough in the process of printing a report, and thus an error message is thrown.


This fault was corrected in a hotfix, which is available by contacting Equisys Technical Support and quoting the technote number ZTN4420. This contains an adjustment to the logic of a Zetadocs Codeunit to perform the check for the existence of the Zetadocs NAV Client components as the first part of the process.


This behaviour was corrected in the hotfix detailed above.

Last updated: 11th June 2015 (NT) 

Keywords: Zetadocs-Send 9009974

Equisys Logo, Document Management and Expense Management for Business Central

Zetadocs is software for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and NAV (Navision) that manages the capture, storage and delivery of documents relating to financial transactions.