HOWTO: Install the Zetafax Client and Publish an Application for use with Zetafax on a Citrix Presentation Server 4.0
ID: ZTN1509
This Zetafax technical note applies to:
- Zetafax Client 2006 and later
This technical note describes the steps to install the Zetafax client program on a Windows terminal services system running Citrix Presentation server 4.0.
With terminal services there are two scenarios you may want to use the Zetafax client. These are;
- Using the Zetafax client within a terminal services desktop session by printing from a number of applications.
- From a Published application printing to the Zetafax printer and submitting the fax from a published application terminal services session.
Both scenarios are covered in the steps below. Administrators who want to implement scenario 2 will need to step through the process for scenario 1 first.
Note: Equisys do not support the Zetafax server installation when installed directly on the terminal server, but rather on a separate computer accessible via a network share.
More information
The following steps assume that the Zetafax server has been installed and configured on the network. Once you are confident this has been done, work through the following steps.
Download: If you are installing Zetafax 2006 please click on the following link to download an update, otherwise just continue from the steps below.
Warning: This procedure requires the Citrix presentation server to be restarted after installation.
Install the Zetafax client on the Terminal services system.
- Logon on to the terminal server system as a user with administrative rights. Installing the Zetafax client application and printers should be done by logging onto the terminal server system and not via a terminal session.
- Start the Add or Remove Programs control panel applet.
- Click on Add New Programs then click on the CD or Floppy.
- When prompted to insert a program disk, click Next then Browse.
- Browse to the Zfax program folder on the network, and locate the file wksetup.exe file in the System folder. Select it and click the Open button.
- On the Run Installation Program dialog box, click Next.
- If prompted with an Open File - Security Warning click Run.
- The Zetafax client installation will now start, select the language you wish to install, then click OK
- Click Finish to complete the installation
- Click Next on the Windows After Installation dialog box. Then Finish.
- To verify the Zetafax printer has installed correctly, browse to the Printers and Faxes folder, there should be a Zetafax printer installed.
- Also browse to the all user Startup folder, here there should be a shortcut to the Zetafax Daemon program.
- Go to Start -> Printers and Faxes.
- Right click on Zetafax Printer and go to Properties. Click on Device Settings tab.
- Expand Advanced settings (tech support guidance only).
- Set the Concatenate Excel Worksheets: value to Disabled.
- Reboot the Citrix Presentation server.
Note: If the installation of the Zetafax client has failed for some reason, please refer to the following Microsoft TechNet article.
To Publish the Zetafax application in the Citrix Presentation server 4.0
- On the terminal server system create a folder which all users have access to. e.g. M:\Zetafax. Where M:\ is the system drive.
- Browse to the zfax\system\I386 folder and copy the ZfDAEMON.EXE program to the folder you have just created. (As below).

- Run the Citrix Management Console, Right click 'Applications' and select 'Publish Application'
- Enter a display name, and description then click Next. (As below)

- When prompted to specify the application to be published, enter the path to the ZFDAEMON.EXE followed by a -P then the path to the application you wish to publish, as below.
M:\Zetafax\ZfDaemon.exe -P"M:\Program Files\Windows NT\Accessories\wordpad.exe"
Note: You need to use the quotation marks (" ") when the path to the program executable contains a space.

- Specify the working directory then click Next. Continue the setup procedure as normal.
- When you reach the Specify Servers screen, Select the server where the application is running and Click on Add, before moving to the next screen.

- When you reach the Specify Users screen, Select the Domain whose users you want to use the published application. Go to Domain > Users > domain users and select the users you want to use the published application and click Add. Click Finish when done.

- Now when users are running a published application, they will be able to access the Print option from the File menu and access the Zetafax printer. The Zetafax client will automatically start up within the terminal session, and present them with the Zetafax Addressing dialog box.
To Test the Zetafax client Installation.
- On a client system, start a desktop terminal session. Logging on as a user which has a valid Zetafax account.
- Browse to the Printers and Faxes folder, right click on the Zetafax printer and select Properties.
- Click Print Test Page, this should start the Zetafax client (you may be prompted to with the Zetafax login).
- Once the Client has started it should prompt you with the Addressing Fax wizard. This verifies the print process is working correctly.
ZTN1290 INFO Summary of Zetafax features supported in a terminal services environment
ZTN1149-HOWTO Enabling 'Print to Fax' with published applications in Windows 2000/2003 terminal services.
ZTN1403 HOWTO Install Zetafax Outlook extension on a terminal server system
ZTN1371-HOWTO Configure Zetafax 9.1 and later with Windows 2000 & 2003 terminal services
Last updated: 19 June 2009 (SV/EB/PJ/MW)