HOWTO: Updating to Zetafax 2009 SP1 with the Platform Feature Pack
HOWTO: Updating to Zetafax 2009 SP1 with the Platform Feature Pack
ID: ZTN1757
This Zetafax technical note applies to:
- Zetafax 2009 SP1 with the Platform Feature Pack
- (Upgrading from Zetafax 2009 initial release or Zetafax 2009 SP1)
Zetafax 2009 SP1 is a Service Pack release for Zetafax 2009, which includes multiple feature enhancements and other improvements. The Platform Feature Pack for Zetafax 2009 adds support for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 to the Zetafax Client and Server programs.
These two releases are available in a combined update. This document describes how to install this update on an existing Zetafax 2009 system.
More information
The version of the Zetafax system being updated should be Zetafax 2009 (initial release) or Zetafax 2009 SP1. It may also have had software updates applied.
Customers using Zetafax 2008 or earlier systems will need to purchase a software version upgrade before installing this update, and may be prompted to enter an upgrade licence number after installation before the Zetafax server can be started. Instructions for upgrading from Zetafax 2008 or earlier systems are detailed in a separate technical note – see ZTN1725 - HOWTO: Upgrading to Zetafax 2009
Updating the Zetafax Server (Zetafax 2009)
To update the server software, please follow the procedure outlined below:
- Shut down the Zetafax Server or stop the Zetafax Server service with the Services applet in Control Panel.
- Run the installation program (SETUP.EXE) from the CD-ROM or run the download version from the Equisys website.
- Systems using Brooktrout SR140 software (included with the Zetafax FoIP Connector), or using Brooktrout fax boards with Windows Server 2008 require an additional step to update the Brooktrout System Software. Please refer to ZTN1744 – HOWTO: Update to the latest Brooktrout Drivers.
Updating the Zetafax Client Applications
Once the server is updated, you are ready to update the Zetafax Client Applications, which include the Zetafax Client and Zetafax Outlook Extensions. To do this, log on to each user's PC as a user with local administrator permission. Close the the Zetafax Client if running, then run the Zetafax Workstation Setup program (zfax\SYSTEM\WKSETUP.EXE, where zfax is the network share location where the Zetafax Server files are installed).
Alternatively the Zetafax Client Applications can be rolled out using Group Policy for both updates and new installs. Please consult the online help documentation for advice on how to do this.
Updating Zetafax Notebook Installations
A Zetafax Notebook System is a complete Zetafax Server installed on a notebook computer, for use when away from the office.
Zetafax Notebook Systems should be maintained as the same version as the central Zetafax Server on the network. Once the central Zetafax Server has been upgraded, repeat the steps detailed above on each computer where the Zetafax Notebook System has been installed.
Unmodified components
The following components have not been updated with this release from the initial Zetafax 2009 release, so do not need to be reinstalled:
- Zetafax Connector for Exchange 2003
- Zetafax Connector for Exchange 2007
- Zetafax Extensions for Lotus Domino
- Zetafax Web Client
- Zetafax SMTP Server
- Zetafax API run-time components (included in custom applications)
ZTN1756 INFO: Zetafax 2009 Platform Feature Pack
ZTN1725 - HOWTO: Upgrading to Zetafax 2009
ZTN1744 – HOWTO: Update to the latest Brooktrout Drivers
Last updated: 24 September 2009 (MW/GR)