FIX: Zetadocs Server is unable to convert Outlook email messages with embedded images ZTN4619 - FIX: Zetadocs Server is unable to convert Outlook email messages with embedded images
INFO: How to correctly configure Zetadocs Document Queues to avoid simultaneous processing of the same SharePoint folder ZTN4610 - INFO: How to correctly configure Zetadocs Document Queues to avoid simultaneous processing of the same SharePoint folder
FIX: NAV crash when using drag and drop from Outlook on 32 bit documents factbox ZTN4536 - FIX: NAV crash when using drag and drop from Outlook on 32 bit documents factbox
FIX: Error when opening RTC client page with Zetadocs Factbox enabled ZTN4538 - FIX: Error when opening RTC client page with Zetadocs Factbox enabled