INFO: Enabling detailed logging within the Client Side (32-Bit) Zetadocs Factbox ZTN4597 - INFO: Enabling detailed logging within the Client Side (32-Bit) Zetadocs Factbox
INFO: Enabling debug logging within Zetadocs Extension ZTN4591 - INFO: Enabling debug logging within Zetadocs Extension
INFO: Enable debug logging for Zetadocs NAV/Business Central for a server-side installation ZTN4588 - INFO: Enable debug logging for Zetadocs NAV/Business Central for a server-side installation
INFO: Enabling detailed logging within Zetadocs Archive Service ZTN4586 - INFO: Enabling detailed logging within Zetadocs Archive Service
HOWTO: Recover your SharePoint Document Library for use with Zetadocs when you exceed the List view threshold ZTN4563 - HOWTO: Recover your SharePoint Document Library for use with Zetadocs when you exceed the List view threshold
FIX: Zetadocs Server is unable to convert Outlook email messages with embedded images ZTN4619 - FIX: Zetadocs Server is unable to convert Outlook email messages with embedded images
HOWTO: Recover and re-submit documents that failed to be processed by Zetadocs Document Queue ZTN4615 - HOWTO: Recover and re-submit documents that failed to be processed by Zetadocs Document Queue
FIX: Item tracking is no longer a requirement on journal items in Business Central with Zetadocs Extension installed ZTN4611 - FIX: Item tracking is no longer a requirement on journal items in Business Central with Zetadocs Extension installed
HOWTO: Configure Business Central to ensure the Document date doesn't default to the Processing date when using AP Automation ZTN4613 - HOWTO: Configure Business Central to ensure the Document date doesn't default to the Processing date when using AP Automation
INFO: How to correctly configure Zetadocs Document Queues to avoid simultaneous processing of the same SharePoint folder ZTN4610 - INFO: How to correctly configure Zetadocs Document Queues to avoid simultaneous processing of the same SharePoint folder
HOWTO: Upgrade the Zetadocs Extension for Business Central On-Premise ZTN4606 - HOWTO: Upgrade the Zetadocs Extension for Business Central On-Premise
PRB: 'Internet browser is not installed' error when authenticating with SharePoint Online or opening documents from the Factbox ZTN4604 - PRB: 'Internet browser is not installed' error when authenticating with SharePoint Online or opening documents from the Factbox
FIX: SharePoint site is currently unavailable or too busy failure when opening Zetadocs Document Queue ZTN4603 - FIX: SharePoint site is currently unavailable or too busy failure when opening Zetadocs Document Queue
PRB: Unable to see document factbox when creating a new Document ZTN4547 - PRB: Unable to see document factbox when creating a new Document
PRB: Factbox returns the error message 'SharePoint authorisation was refused' ZTN4598 - PRB: Factbox returns the error message 'SharePoint authorisation was refused'
INFO: Enabling detailed logging within the Zetadocs Server (Document Converter) ZTN4596 - INFO: Enabling detailed logging within the Zetadocs Server (Document Converter)
FIX: Unable authenticate to SharePoint Online when running the SharePoint Extensions Script on Windows Server machines ZTN4595 - FIX: Unable authenticate to SharePoint Online when running the SharePoint Extensions Script on Windows Server machines
FIX: Can't open files using the Zetadocs fact box which contain an apostrophe in the name ZTN4593 - FIX: Can't open files using the Zetadocs fact box which contain an apostrophe in the name
PRB: Unable to Archive in Factbox when document library has reached listiew threshold ZTN4590 - PRB: Unable to Archive in Factbox when document library has reached listiew threshold
FIX: Zetadocs Server not processing documents when configured by a different user than the user running the service. ZTN4585 - FIX: Zetadocs Server not processing documents when configured by a different user than the user running the service.
FIX: Unable to run the Zetadocs SharePoint Extensions PowerShell script ZTN4583 - FIX: Unable to run the Zetadocs SharePoint Extensions PowerShell script
FIX: Zetadocs Fails to search due to "The remote server returned an error 429" ZTN4582 - FIX: Zetadocs Fails to search due to "The remote server returned an error 429"
FIX: Zetadocs Factbox displays a "Failed to search for documents" error ZTN4579 - FIX: Zetadocs Factbox displays a "Failed to search for documents" error
FIX: Zetadocs Document Queue fails with "The length of the string must be less than or equal to 2048 characters" ZTN4576 - FIX: Zetadocs Document Queue fails with "The length of the string must be less than or equal to 2048 characters"
HOWTO: ‘Links’ section is not showing for exported expense reports within Business Central ZTN6021 - HOWTO: ‘Links’ section is not showing for exported expense reports within Business Central
HOWTO: Run Zetadocs over multiple NAV instances ZTN4569 - HOWTO: Run Zetadocs over multiple NAV instances
PRB: When using the SDK the Additional Attachments are not attached to the sent email correctly ZTN4568 - PRB: When using the SDK the Additional Attachments are not attached to the sent email correctly
HOWTO: Move NAV Service Tier to a TLS1.2 compliant Windows Server with Zetadocs and SharePoint Online ZTN4567 - HOWTO: Move NAV Service Tier to a TLS1.2 compliant Windows Server with Zetadocs and SharePoint Online