HOWTO: Enable Debug logging in Zetadocs PDF Client and Gather Logs ZTN3626 - HOWTO: Enable Debug logging in Zetadocs PDF Client and Gather Logs
INFO: Enabling detailed logging within the Client Side (32-Bit) Zetadocs Factbox ZTN4597 - INFO: Enabling detailed logging within the Client Side (32-Bit) Zetadocs Factbox
INFO: Enabling debug logging within Zetadocs Extension ZTN4591 - INFO: Enabling debug logging within Zetadocs Extension
INFO: Enable debug logging for Zetadocs NAV/Business Central for a server-side installation ZTN4588 - INFO: Enable debug logging for Zetadocs NAV/Business Central for a server-side installation
INFO: Enabling detailed logging within Zetadocs Archive Service ZTN4586 - INFO: Enabling detailed logging within Zetadocs Archive Service
HOWTO: Troubleshoot Zetadocs SMTP test delivery errors ZTN4581 - HOWTO: Troubleshoot Zetadocs SMTP test delivery errors
HOWTO: Troubleshoot and resolve issues with the Zetadocs Expenses mobile app ZTN6023 - HOWTO: Troubleshoot and resolve issues with the Zetadocs Expenses mobile app
HOWTO: Troubleshoot Zetadocs server side delivery issues ZTN4572 - HOWTO: Troubleshoot Zetadocs server side delivery issues
HOWTO: Troubleshoot Zetadocs Client side Delivery ZTN4571 - HOWTO: Troubleshoot Zetadocs Client side Delivery
HOWTO: Manually modify a NAV report - Zetadocs client side installation using the Microsoft SQL Server Report Builder ZTN4556 - HOWTO: Manually modify a NAV report - Zetadocs client side installation using the Microsoft SQL Server Report Builder
HOWTO: Recover your SharePoint Document Library for use with Zetadocs when you exceed the List view threshold ZTN4563 - HOWTO: Recover your SharePoint Document Library for use with Zetadocs when you exceed the List view threshold
INFO: Enabling detailed logging within Zetafax ZTN1065 - INFO: Enabling detailed logging within Zetafax
FIX: Zetadocs Server is unable to convert Outlook email messages with embedded images ZTN4619 - FIX: Zetadocs Server is unable to convert Outlook email messages with embedded images
PRB: 'The SMTP server requires a secure connection or the client was not authenticated' error when using Zetadocs Delivery ZTN4617 - PRB: 'The SMTP server requires a secure connection or the client was not authenticated' error when using Zetadocs Delivery
HOWTO: Configure Exchange Online SMTP Delivery with Azure Communication Services ZTN4616 - HOWTO: Configure Exchange Online SMTP Delivery with Azure Communication Services
INFO: Changes in Brooktrout driver version 6.17.1 update ZTN2162 - INFO: Changes in Brooktrout driver version 6.17.1 update
HOWTO: Enable the email preview for RDLC based Reports for Business Central 2023 Wave 1 (BC22) and earlier ZTN4614 - HOWTO: Enable the email preview for RDLC based Reports for Business Central 2023 Wave 1 (BC22) and earlier
HOWTO: Recover and re-submit documents that failed to be processed by Zetadocs Document Queue ZTN4615 - HOWTO: Recover and re-submit documents that failed to be processed by Zetadocs Document Queue
HOWTO: Enable the email preview for RDLC based Reports for Business Central 2023 Wave 2 (BC23) and later ZTN4612 - HOWTO: Enable the email preview for RDLC based Reports for Business Central 2023 Wave 2 (BC23) and later
FIX: Item tracking is no longer a requirement on journal items in Business Central with Zetadocs Extension installed ZTN4611 - FIX: Item tracking is no longer a requirement on journal items in Business Central with Zetadocs Extension installed
HOWTO: Configure Business Central to ensure the Document date doesn't default to the Processing date when using AP Automation ZTN4613 - HOWTO: Configure Business Central to ensure the Document date doesn't default to the Processing date when using AP Automation
INFO: How to correctly configure Zetadocs Document Queues to avoid simultaneous processing of the same SharePoint folder ZTN4610 - INFO: How to correctly configure Zetadocs Document Queues to avoid simultaneous processing of the same SharePoint folder
FIX: AP Automation creates empty purchase records when processing a document ZTN4609 - FIX: AP Automation creates empty purchase records when processing a document
HOWTO: Upgrade Zetadocs Extension in Business Central online ZTN4608 - HOWTO: Upgrade Zetadocs Extension in Business Central online
PRB: Email gateway user list does not show all available mailboxes on domain ZTN2161 - PRB: Email gateway user list does not show all available mailboxes on domain
PRB: 'The Report Layout does not exist' error shown after upgrade to Business Central 2023 Wave 2 ZTN4607 - PRB: 'The Report Layout does not exist' error shown after upgrade to Business Central 2023 Wave 2
HOWTO: Upgrade the Zetadocs Extension for Business Central On-Premise ZTN4606 - HOWTO: Upgrade the Zetadocs Extension for Business Central On-Premise
PRB: 'Internet browser is not installed' error when authenticating with SharePoint Online or opening documents from the Factbox ZTN4604 - PRB: 'Internet browser is not installed' error when authenticating with SharePoint Online or opening documents from the Factbox