FIX: Archiving to SharePoint fails when delivering document if the company name contains special characters
ID: ZTN4216
This Zetadocs technical note applies to:
- Version 5.0 of the Zetadocs for NAV client
Having configured the company name as a folder option for archiving in SharePoint, document delivery and archiving will fail if the company name contains special characters.
The following characters have been identified as potential causes of this issue:
! " # $ % & ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ ` { | } ~
This is due to the incorrect processing of the special characters mentioned above when constructing the SharePoint url to archive documents which are sent from NAV to the Zetadocs PDF Client.
This issue was corrected in a hotfix.
Please contact your reseller or Equisys technical support to obtain the hotfix.
Last updated: 16/11/2012 (SD/MW)
Keywords: Zetadocs, NAV, delivery, SharePoint, company, name, special, characters, archiving, fail