Equisys technical notes

Technical guidance, explanations and fixes for our products

FIX: Resolve sign in issues on your Zetafax server when using the Exchange Online Setup



This Zetafax technical note applies to:

  • Zetafax Server 17.5 with Exchange Online Update and later


  1. One of the errors you may be getting is "Error communicating with Exchange Online. Check the network connection then try again"

  • You could be getting this error mesage when the server tries to use an older version of TLS. You will first need to enable Exchnage Online Logging. This can be done by editing the file "Driver.INI" This file should be located at this location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Zetafax Server\MAIL\Data\Driver.INI  
    • Please open this file in notepad and add the following line to the [EXCHANGEONLINE] section (modifying the line if present, or adding it if not) "TraceLog=ON"
    • It should look something like this: 
      • [ExchangeOnline]
    • You will then need to try to sign in again to generate the logs the logs should be located: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Zetafax Server\MAIL\Data\ExchnageSMTP.log". If you see the following error logs, then follow the resolution steps in this technote: ZTN4584
      • [1/25/2023 11:30:10 AM] GetDeviceUserCode() - Error when calling to get OAuth tokens. **********: You are using TLS version 1.0, 1.1 and/or 3DES cipher which are deprecated to improve the security posture of Azure AD. Your TenantID is: *******-4608-4916-8fde-********. Please refer to https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2161187 and conduct needed actions to remediate the issue. For further questions, please contact your administrator.
        Trace ID: 20199fc4-****-****-a44b-***********
        Correlation ID: fe21e71c-*****-****-bd73-***********
        Timestamp: 2023-01-25 11:30:10Z
        [1/25/2023 11:30:10 AM] TempSaveDeviceCodeDetails()
        [1/25/2023 11:30:10 AM] Device CodeLoginProcess() - IOAuthService.DeviceCodeLoginProcess returned error: 16
        [1/25/2023 11:30:10 AM] DeviceCodeLoginProcess() - return DeviceCodeLoginProcess result: 16

  • You can also get no error message in the dialog and setup appears ok until the Zetafax Server is started. There will be a error message in the same logs as above, with the following information: (If you aren't getting any logs please enable the logs as mentioned above)
    • [1/20/2023 4:43:29 PM] GetDeviceUserCode() - exception thrown calling MS api to get device code. An error occurred while sending the request.
      [1/20/2023 4:43:29 PM] Device CodeLoginProcess() - IOAuthService.DeviceCodeLoginProcess returned error: 0
      [1/20/2023 4:43:29 PM] DeviceCodeLoginProcess() - return DeviceCodeLoginProcess result: 0

2. Zetafax Exchange Online Configuration Sign In does not display any subsequent dialog when clicked, or you get a message that the Exchange Online Connector components are not registered correctly. This can happen if the Server hasn't been turned on for around 90 days this causes the Token for Exchange online auth to expire.


This is caused due to TLS1.2 not working correctly or it not being turned on at all, it's also possible that the machine is trying to use TLS1.0 or 1.1 for the communication between the Server and Exchange.


The following steps will resolve the issues detailed above:

For TLS/Prerequisites issues:

  • Make sure that you have .NET4.8 installed on your server this is necessary for the Exchange update to work properly
  • Please follow this technote on how to enable TLS1.2 on your server ZTN4584
  • If neither of these have worked for you please make sure that there is nothing blocking HTTPS traffic from the server to Exchange (Firewall Rules)

For an expired token and unable to sign in via the configuration tool:

  • Go to the Zetafax Server MAIL/Data folder (typically found here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Zetafax Server\MAIL\Data)
  • Removed the username, mailbox and password fields from the EXCHANGEONLINE section of DRIVER.INI.

If you are still experiencing an issue please cotact us at support@equisys.com


Last updated: 27th September 2023 (MB)

Keywords: Zetafax Exchange Online, Unable to sign in to Exchnage Online

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