HOWTO: Configure a Brooktrout TR114 BRI or Analogue fax card in Windows 2003. Print ZTN1417 ID: ZTN1417 This Zetafax technical note applies to: Zetafax Server 9.0.301 up to Zetafax Server 2008 Summary This technical note explains the process of configuring a TR114 intelligent fax card when installed on a Windows 2003 server system. Note: Drivers for Brooktrout Plug'n'Play drivers are shipped with Windows 2003 for TR114 analogue and BRI cards. They are not shipped for TR114 PRI solutions. More information After installing the Brooktrout card in the system, Windows 2003 will detect the card and should install the drivers shipped with Windows 2003. After you have done this, work through the following steps. Start the Zetafax configuration program. Then browse to the Devices section, as below. Right-click 'Devices' then select Add, as above. This will start the Zetafax Device Configuration Wizard. Click 'Next > ' to continue. When prompted to select a device type, click on 'Brooktrout fax board' then click 'Add.'. Select the type of Brooktrout card you have installed, then click 'Next > ' A dialog box will now inform you that the Plug and Play drivers are already installed and no further drivers need to be installed on Windows 2003. Click 'Next > '. You will now be presented with following dialog box, enter the configuration details as per you installation, (setting channels used, User to receive incoming faxes etc.). Then click 'Next > '. You will now be back at the device type list, click 'Next > ' to continue, then 'Finish'. Start up the Zetafax server, the Brooktrout card will be initialised correctly. Last updated: 1stJune 2009 (BM/MW)