Equisys technical notes

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HOWTO: Get Zetadocs to use personalised templates



ID: ZTN4056

This Zetadocs technical note applies to:

  • Zetadocs for NAV version 3.0
  • Zetadocs for GP version 2.0


Zetadocs is designed to ensure uniformity throughout the organisation by using corporate templates. This way all documents sent by Zetadocs are in keeping with your corporate identity. Therefore there can only be one template per document set, however in some circumstances you may want to personalise the template with information about the user who sent it.

This document provides a way to achieve this.

More information

The way you achieve this is to configure the specific Zetadocs document set to use local templates instead of a network template e.g. c:\Zetadocs\ZD-Order Confirmation.zdt, instead of \\server\templateshare\ZD-Order Confirmation.zdt.

This will force Zetadocs to look on the users local drive for the template at report runtime. This way you can create individual templates for each user and as long as you name them all ZD-Order Confirmation.zdt and save them locally, Zetadocs will pick up the personalised one instead of the one on the network share.


Search the online help for more information on creating templates.

Last updated: 3rd December 2009 (GC/MW)

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