HOWTO: Install Zetadocs on Citrix or Terminal Services
ID: ZTN3005
This Zetafax technical note applies to:
- Zetadocs for Accounting v3.0
This technical note describes how to install Zetadocs for Accounting v3.0 on Citrix or Windows Terminal Server systems.
More information
Installation Steps
You should only attempt to install Zetadocs under Citrix or TS while logged in to the console as the LOCAL administrator (not a domain admin). This is because the install program will attempt to create a printer port, which is most commonly allowed only when logged in as a local admin.
The basic installation steps are:
- Log in as the local admin.
- Run the Zetadocs installation program.
- Start Zetadocs from the Start Menu.
- Zetadocs will check for the Zetadocs printer. If it is not found, the program will ask you if you want to install it. You should click "Yes".
- If the automatic printer installation succeeds without any error messages, you can then File -> Save Settings and Exit Zetadocs. If you receive an error message, please review the section entitled What to do if the Zetadocs Printer Does Not Install Correctly that follows at the end of this document.
- Check the Zetadocs printer security settings and make sure they match those listed in the Printer Security section that follows.
- Setup the file permissions as described in the Zetadocs Program Folder Permissions section.
Printer Security
Members of the Users/Everyone Group must be able to:
- Print
- Manage Printer
- Manage Documents

Make sure the Allow check boxes are checked for all three permissions (see above).
Zetadocs Program Folder Permissions
The folder you select to install the Zetadocs program (typically C:\Program Files\Zetadocs) must have write permissions for all users who will be using the software. This is required so that Zetadocs can create and read/write to individual user INI files that contain settings pertaining to each individual user.
What to do if the Zetadocs Printer Does Not Install Correctly
If the printer port does not install, check for the following:
- In C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Windows\System32look for wddmonnt.dll and copy it to C:\WINDOWS\System32 or C:\WINNT\System32.
- In c:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Windows\look for Zetadocs.exe and copy it to C:\WINDOWS or C:\WINNT.
- Re-run C:\Program Files\Zetadocs\ZFPrinter\dfportinstall.exeby double-clicking the file. It should display a brief hourglass and then end without displaying any user interface.
- Restart the Zetadocs Control Panel to finish installing the printer.
If you receive an error message "Error 76: Path Not Found" please do the following:
- Log off the current user
- Log in as the local administrator
- Copy the file C:\Program Files\Zetadocs\ZDPrinter\wddmonnt.dll to C:\WINDOWS\System32. If the file is already there, you can skip this step.
- Go into C:\Program Files\Zetadocs\ZDPrinter and double-click the file called dfportinstall.exe. It will hourglass for a few seconds then end.
- Restart Zetadocs while logged in as the local administrator.
- Open the printers folder to verify that the Zetadocs printer has been installed.
- Log off as the local administrator
- Log in as the user and verify that Zetadocs starts normally.
- Complete the setup wizard.
Last updated: 23 August 2004 (SD/SV)