HOWTO: Installing and updating the Zetafax Exchange connector
ID: ZTN1109
This Zetafax technical note applies to:
- Zetafax Exchange connector and later
This document describes how to install and update the Zetafax Exchange connector installation.
More information
Installing Zetafax 7 Exchange Connector on a clean system
If you are installing the Zetafax connector for the first time on the Microsoft Exchange server, you should follow these instructions:
- Log onto the Exchange server as the Exchange services account (this is the account all the Exchange services run as, and may be confirmed, using the 'Services' applet in Control panel).
- Launch the Microsoft Exchange Administrator program (ADMIN.EXE), navigate to the 'Connections' folder and verify that there is no entry for Zetafax connector. If an entry exists, follow the instructions in the relevant 'Updating an installed version.' below, before continuing.
- Run the installation program (SETUP.EXE) from the Zetafax 7 CD-ROM or the download of the new version. When prompted, select "Connector, admin extensions and templates".
- Once installation is complete, the connector service will be set to 'Automatic' and will have started using the same credentials as the other Exchange services.
- The Zetafax connector should now be visible from ADMIN.EXE and may now be configured.
Updating an installed version of the Zetafax Exchange Connector
To view the version of the Zetafax connector for Microsoft Exchange.
- Launch Windows Explorer and navigate to \exchsrvr\connect\zetafax, where 'exchsrvr' is the name of the directory where the Microsoft Exchange server files are installed.
- If the file STM_GW.EXE (Zetafax 6 Exchange connector program) exists in this directory then version 6 is installed.
- Otherwise ZFCONNECTOR.EXE (Zetafax 7 Exchange connector program) will be in this directory.
- To further determine the minor version information on ZFCONNECTOR.EXE right click the program and choose 'Properties'. Select the 'Version' tab to view the full version number.
Zetafax 6 Exchange Connector
If you are updating a version 6 connector to version 7, this is the procedure to follow:
- Log onto the Exchange server as the Exchange services account (this is the account all the Exchange services run as, and may be confirmed, using the 'Services' applet in Control panel).
- Run the installation program (SETUP.EXE) from the Zetafax 6 CD-ROM.
- SETUP will launch a welcome screen, click 'Continue'.
- Click 'Remove' on the 'Choose Install/Remove' dialog box.

- Click 'Remove' again to proceed.
- Once the connecter has been removed, Click OK.
- Launch the Microsoft Exchange Administrator program (ADMIN.EXE), navigate to the 'Connections' folder, and confirm that the Zetafax Connector entry has been removed. If it has not, delete it (Edit> Delete).
- Run the installation program (SETUP.EXE) from the Zetafax 7 CD-ROM or download of the new version. When prompted, select "Connector, admin extensions and templates".
- Once the update is complete, click 'Finish' to exit the installation program.
- The Zetafax connector should once again be visible from ADMIN.EXE and may now be re-configured if necessary.
Zetafax 7 Exchange Connector
If you are updating or reinstalling a version 7 connector, this is the procedure to follow:
- Use 'Add/Remove Programs' applet in Control panel and locate the Zetafax connector entry.
- Click 'Add/Remove.' to uninstall the Zetafax connector.
- Reboot the Exchange server if prompted to remove any components in use by Exchange during uninstall.
- Log onto the Exchange server as the Exchange services account (this is the account all the Exchange services run as, and may be confirmed, using the 'Services' applet in Control panel).
- Run the installation program (SETUP.EXE) from the Zetafax 7 CD-ROM or download of the new version. When prompted, select "Connector, admin extensions and templates".
- Once the update is complete, click 'Finish' to exit the installation program.
- The Zetafax connector should once again be visible from ADMIN.EXE and may now be re-configured if necessary.
For additional information on the Zetafax connector, please see the following Zetafax technical note:
ZTN1103-PRB: Unable to reinstall Zetafax connector after uninstall
First Created: 11 December 2000 (GC/DH)
Last updated: 21/12/2005 (RM)