HOWTO: Maintaining fax capabilities during a migration to Exchange Server 2007
ID: ZTN1578
This Zetafax technical note applies to:
- Zetafax 2007
- Transition from Microsoft Exchange 2000/2003 to Exchange 2007
This technical document details the steps involved in configuring Zetafax and Exchange Server to maintain fax capabilities during a transition to Exchange Server 2007.
More information
This document assumes that both Zetafax 2007 and Exchange 2007 (Mailbox, Client Access and Hub Transport roles) have been installed into the organisation.
For more information on installing and/or upgrading to Zetafax 2007 follow the technical note: ZTN1577
Using the Zetafax connector for Exchange 2000/2003 during co-existence with Exchange 2007
Faxing is still possible using the Zetafax Connector for Exchange 2000/2003 in a co-existing environment where a mailbox is residing on either an Exchange 2007 or 2000/2003 server. However before any legacy systems are decommissioned and completely removed from the organisation, the Exchange 2007 connector must be installed.
Installing the Zetafax connector for Exchange 2007
The 2007 connector can be installed at any time during Exchange co-existence however the 2000/2003 connector must be uninstalled beforehand.
1) Uninstall Zetafax connector for Exchange 2000/2003 to disable outbound faxing.
Run Add/Remove Programs from Control Panel to remove the connector.
Reboot the Exchange Server to complete the uninstallation.
Now if a user attempts to send a fax from Outlook, an NDR will be returned.
2) Stop the Zetafax Server application / service.
3) Migrate the "Administrator" account to Exchange 2007.
Zetafax detects the presence of an Exchange 2007 Server in the organisation by querying a user in Active Directory. The user "Administrator" must have its mailbox migrated to Exchange 2007. The Exchange 2007 connector cannot be configured in Zetafax if this is not carried out.
4) Install Zetafax Connector for Exchange 2007
Please follow this technical note for instructions to install the connector ZTN1565
5) Configure the Zetafax Connector for Exchange 2007 for Zetafax.
Open Zetafax Configuration, navigate to Server Settings | Email Gateway Settings | Configure.
Select 'Microsoft Exchange' from the right pane and click on Setup.
The 'Microsoft Exchange Setup Service' will be presented to you.

If this dialog box is not presented (or the old Microsoft Exchange Setup Service window is opened), you may run the \Zetafax server\Mail\MailconfE2K7.exe to load it up.
From the drop down menu, select the name of the Exchange 2007 server where the connector was installed.
Click on 'Test' to test the connection.
Check the box 'Driver enabled' and click on OK to save the settings.
6) Update user details in Zetafax Configuration
7) Start the Zetafax Server.
To configure the Default coversheet and letterhead in the 'Microsoft Exchange Setup Service', you will need to start the Zetafax Server at least once after enabling the connector.
The Zetafax connector for Exchange 2007 has now been installed and configured. Mailboxes can continue to be migrated and changes in Zetafax will not be required.
ZTN1565 - HOWTO Manually install Exchange 2007 server-side components
ZTN1577 - HOWTO Updating to Zetafax 2007
Last updated: 18 April 2007 (JW/PJ/AC)
< Exchange> < migrate> < connector>