Equisys technical notes

Technical guidance, explanations and fixes for our products

HOWTO: Specify a Zetadocs template depending on company in GP



ID: ZTN4068

This Zetafax technical note applies to:

  • Zetadocs for GP v2.0
  • Microsoft Dynamics GP v9


A template can be automatically applied to a GP report by hard coding the %%[Template: ] embedded command in Report Writer.

Users may want to apply a different template depending on which company they are logged into.

The Zetadocs template embedded command can be made dynamic by including the Global variable “Company Name” text string in the name of the template file.

More information

First create a calculated field which calls the company name

Result type: String

Name: ZDcompany

Field: Globals | “Company Name”

Create a calculated field for the Zetadocs Template:

Name: ZDTemplate

Result Type: String

Field: “%%[Template: “ # STRIP ( ZDCompany ) # “.zdt]”

You can specify more information if appropriate


“%%[Template: \\machine-name\zetadocs templates“ # STRIP ( ZDCompany ) # “.zdt]”

“%%[Template: “ # STRIP ( ZDCompany ) # “ invoice template.zdt]”

Last updated: 14th December 2009  (JW/MW)

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