Equisys technical notes

Technical guidance, explanations and fixes for our products

HOWTO: Use the Zetafax API in .NET



ID: ZTN1476

This Zetafax technical note applies to:

  • Zetafax 9 and later


The Zetafax API allows third-party applications to submit faxes to the Zetafax Server for sending, and to control and monitor their progress.

The COM API can be easily used for development in a .NET environment. This document provides some simple example code to illustrate how the Zetafax API can be used in .NET

More information

Registering the ZfAPI.dll

Like all COM components ZfAPI32.dll must be registered before it can be used. This can be done by following the technote HOWTO: Develop and distribute your fax-enabled application.

Adding the COM object to a .NET project

To use the COM API in a .NET project, the COM object should be referenced as follows:

(The images shown here are taken from Microsoft Visual Studio .NET)

  1. Select the "Add Reference" option from the Solution Explorer pane.

  1. A dialog will open with a list of COM components to select from. Scroll down and select the "Zfapi32 1.x Type library" (in the image below the version selected is 1.4).  Once selected the entry will be been added to the list of "Selected Components" (The listbox at the bottom of the dialog). Press the "OK" button to dismiss the dialog.

A reference has now been created to the COM API object.

Code Samples

The following samples are written in C# and Visual Basic .NET. The other .NET languages (Managed C++, Visual J#) are very similar and these examples can easily be adapted for use in these environments.

Note:   To avoid the usage of long type-names declare the following namespace at the top of the file:

using ZfLib;

The API fully supports exception handling and it is recommended that you use the try-catch mechanism to receive meaningful error messages and descriptions from the Zetafax COM API . (The examples below demonstrate this).

  1. The following example demonstrates sending a fax using the COM API:


' Declare objects
          Dim oZfAPI As New ZfLib.ZfAPI
          Dim oUserSession As ZfLib.UserSession
          Dim oNewMessage As ZfLib.NewMessage
                  ' Logon and create NewMessage:
                  oUserSession = oZfAPI.Logon(" ADMINIST" , False)
                  oNewMessage = oUserSession.CreateNewMsg
                  ' Set properties:
                  oNewMessage.Recipients.AddFaxRecipient(" Sam Smith" , _
                                                                                                " ACME plc" , _
                                                                                                " 020 7123 4567" )
                  oNewMessage.Text = " I am a fax!"
                  oNewMessage.Priority = ZfLib.PriorityEnum.zfPriorityUrgent
                  ' Send!
          Catch ex As Exception
        " Zetafax Error" ,
          End Try


          // Declare objects
          ZfAPIClass oZfAPI = new ZfAPIClass();
          UserSession            oUserSession;
          ZfLib.NewMessage oNewMessage;
                      // Logon and create NewMessage:
                      oUserSession = oZfAPI.Logon(" ADMINIST" , false);
                      oNewMessage   = oUserSession.CreateNewMsg();
                      // Set properties:
                      oNewMessage.Recipients.AddFaxRecipient(" Sam Smith" ,    //TO
                                                                                                  " ACME plc" ,      //Organization
                                                                                                  " 020 7123 4567" );//Fax number
                      oNewMessage.Text = " I am a fax!" ;
                      oNewMessage.Priority = ZfLib.PriorityEnum.zfPriorityUrgent;
                      // Send!
          catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException ex)
" Zetafax Error" , MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

2.                The code below demonstrates message information handling:


          ' Declare objects:
          Dim strBody As String
          Dim oZfAPI As New ZfLib.ZfAPI
          Dim oUserSession As ZfLib.UserSession
          Dim oMessage As ZfLib.Message
          Dim oMsgHist As ZfLib.MessageHistory
                  strBody = " ~ZAPI001"
                  ' Logon and get message:
                  oUserSession = oZfAPI.Logon(" ADMINIST" , False)
                  oMessage = oUserSession.Outbox.GetMsg(strBody)
                  ' Display information about the message
                  With oMessage.GetMsgInfo()
                          txtCaption.Text = .Body
                          txtSubject.Text = .Subject
                          txtComment.Text = .Comment
                  End With
                  ' Display the number and call duration for each recipient:
                  Dim MessageHistoryEnum As IEnumerator
                  MessageHistoryEnum = oMessage.GetMsgHistories.GetEnumerator()
                  While MessageHistoryEnum.MoveNext
                          oMsgHist = MessageHistoryEnum.Current
                          lstHistory.Items.Add(" To: " & oMsgHist.Name & _
                                            " Time Taken:" & oMsgHist.Date.ToString())
                  End While
          Catch ex As Exception
" Zetafax Error" , MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
          End Try


          // Declare objects:
          string strBody;
          ZfAPIClass oZfAPI = new ZfAPIClass();
          UserSession oUserSession;
          ZfLib.Message oMessage;
          ZfLib.MessageHistory oMsgHist;
                      strBody = " ~ZAPI001" ;
                      // Logon and get message:
                      oUserSession = oZfAPI.Logon(" ADMINIST" , false);
                      oMessage = oUserSession.Outbox.GetMsg(strBody);
                      // Display information about the message
                      txtCaption.Text = oMessage.GetMsgInfo().Body;
                      txtSubject.Text = oMessage.GetMsgInfo().Subject;
                      txtComment.Text = oMessage.GetMsgInfo().Comment;
                      // Display the number and call duration for each recipient:
                      string szFormattedHistoryItem;
        IEnumerator MessageHistoryEnum = oMessage.GetMsgHistories().GetEnumerator( );
                      while (MessageHistoryEnum.MoveNext())
                                  oMsgHist = (ZfLib.MessageHistory) MessageHistoryEnum.Current;
                                  szFormattedHistoryItem = string.Format(" To:{0} TimeTaken:{1}" ,
          catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException ex)
" Zetafax Error" , MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

3.      The following code demonstrates how to retrieve Zetafax device information:


          ' Declare objects:
          Dim oZfAPI As New ZfLib.ZfAPI
          Dim oUserSession As ZfLib.UserSession
          Dim oDevices As ZfLib.Devices
          Dim oDevice As ZfLib.Device
                  ' Logon and get devices:
                  oUserSession = oZfAPI.Logon(" ADMINIST" , False)
                  oDevices = oUserSession.Server.GetServerInfo().Devices
                  ' Enumerate devices adding information to Listbox:
                  Dim DeviceEnum As IEnumerator
                  DeviceEnum = oDevices.GetEnumerator()
                  While DeviceEnum.MoveNext
                          'Iterate through the devices
                          oDevice = DeviceEnum.Current
                          lstDevices.Items.Add(oDevice.Name & " " & oDevice.User)
                  End While
          Catch ex As Exception
" Zetafax Error" , MessageBoxButtons.OK,
          End Try


          // Declare objects:
          ZfAPIClass oZfAPI = new ZfAPIClass();
          UserSession            oUserSession;
          ZfLib.Devices        oDevices;
          ZfLib.Device          oDevice;
                      // Logon and get devices:
                      oUserSession = oZfAPI.Logon(" ADMINIST" , false);
                      oDevices = oUserSession.Server.GetServerInfo().Devices;
                      // Enumerate devices adding information to Listbox:
                      IEnumerator DeviceEnum = oDevices.GetEnumerator();
                                  oDevice = (ZfLib.Device)DeviceEnum.Current;
                                  lstDevices.Items.Add(oDevice.Name + " " + oDevice.User);
          catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException ex)
  " Zetafax Error" ,


HOWTO: Develop and distribute your fax-enabled application

For more information on using the Zetafax COM API please refer to the Zetafax API compiled help.

MSDN - .NET Framework Developer Centre on Microsoft .NET Framework on MSDN

Last reviewed: 11 November 2005 (GC/EB)

Date Published:  27 June   2005 (AS/DH)

Equisys Logo, Document Management and Expense Management for Business Central

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