Equisys technical notes

Technical guidance, explanations and fixes for our products

INFO: GoldMine trial licence cannot be added until the Zetafax Connector for GoldMine has been installed.



ID: ZTN1327

This Zetafax technical note applies to:

  • Zetafax version or earlier


The Zetafax installation program in versions 8.0.1 and earlier does not recognise the Zetafax Connector for GoldMine trial licence.

In order to trial the Zetafax Connector for GoldMine with a trial of Zetafax, you will need to install the connector before entering the Zetafax licence numbers. This process is detailed in this technical note.

More information

To trial the Zetafax Connector for GoldMine, you will need install it from the latest CD from Equisys. You will find it included in the directory D:\Zetafax\GoldMine add-on where D: is the letter of the CDROM drive. Otherwise you may download it from the Equisys website using the following URL:


Then refer to Equisys technical note ZTN1321, "HOWTO Install the Zetafax Connector for GoldMine" (http://www.equisys.com/technotes/ZTN1321.htm).

After you have obtained both of these you will need to work through the following steps.

  1. Run the Zetafax Server installation as normal.
  2. When prompted to enter the Zetafax licence number, click Cancel to exit the install process.
  3. Install the GoldMine Update Inbound functionality only (the updated dll's) as per ZTN1321.
  4. Start up the Zetafax Configuration program in Start, Programs, Zetafax. You will be prompted to enter a licence number.
  5. Enter the provided Zetafax trial licence, and continue entering licence details as normal.
  6. You should then add a user and a device to send and receive faxes.
  7. Finally, complete the GoldMine installation as per the ZTN1321 technical note.


ZTN1321-HOWTO Install the Zetafax Connector for GoldMine.

Last updated: 24th Oct 2003 (SV/EB)

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