INFO: Starting Zetadocs NAV Job Queues Print ZTN4451 ID: ZTN4451 This Zetadocs technical note applies to: Zetadocs for NAV v8.0 Summary This technote explains the current behaviour of Zetadocs NAV Job Queues when the NAV server is restarted. More information The Zetadocs for NAV Server Delivery uses NAV Job Queues to run batch jobs in the background. Zetadocs for NAV creates two Job Queues, ZETADOCS_1 and ZETADOCS_2, to run single server deliveries and batch deliveries. Both these queues need to be running for the user to be able to queue a job. If you get the following error it means that the Job Queue is not running and it needs to be started. When this error is shown a user with permissions to start the job queues must start both Zetadocs job queues. To do so navigate to Job Queues and select the Zetadocs job queues and click Start Job Queue. Note that every time the NAV server is stopped/restarted the Job Queues must be restarted manually by following the above steps. Last updated: 23rd March 2016 (JC) Keywords: Job Queue not started, NAS, Automatically start Job Queues