INFO: Zetafax Update Service
ID: ZTN1441
This Zetafax technical note applies to:
This technote gives an overview of the Zetafax Update Service or "Update Checker" which was added to Zetafax 9.1. It covers the following topics:
The Zetafax Update Service has been developed for Zetafax 9.1 to ensure that System Administrators are kept up to date with Zetafax product changes. The Update Service automatically alerts Administrators to the latest Zetafax service releases and patches, and if desired, installs them automatically.
The Zetafax Update Service is incorporated into the Zetafax 9.1 release and requires no additional installation to add the feature. It is used to automatically check for Zetafax software updates and to present them to the user for download and installation. These can include critical updates, updates which contain bug fixes, and optional updates that provide extra features. The Zetafax Update Service also shows informational messages to customers which may include company news, pending updates, upcoming release news and new add-ons available information.
Operating the Zetafax Update Service couldn't be simpler. The service is designed to be as automated as possible and operates behind the scenes. Checks for Zetafax updates are run at the following times automatically without any required action by the user:
- At the end of a full installation of Zetafax
- On the Start up of the Zetafax Server Monitor
You can also manually check for updates via the Help menu in the Zetafax Server Monitor program or the "Check for Updates" shortcut in the Start Menu -> Zetafax panel.
The menu option "Automatic Update Checking" allows you to turn on and off the update checking which takes place on the start up of the Zetafax Server Monitor.

Figure 1: Accessing the Zetafax Update Service from the Zetafax Server
When an update check is performed if there are any updates available for the installed version, the Zetafax Update Service Welcome! web page will be presented to the user. See figure 2.

Figure 2: The Zetafax Update Service Welcome page
Clicking "Show Updates" takes you to the available updates and messages page. See figure 3.

Figure 3: The available updates and messages page
To review a message simply click "Learn More" and the message will be displayed.
To install a patch click on the "Add" button next to the desired patch and then click the "Next > " button at the top of the screen as shown in Figure 3. This will take you to the update download and installation page. See figure 4.

Figure 4: The update download and installation page
To install now click "Install Now > " at the top of the page, or you can download the update file to install later by clicking "Download".
Installing updates while your Zetafax Server is running may disrupt your system and force you to reboot the Zetafax Server. For this reason it is suggested that you perform update installations at a time when taking the Zetafax server offline will not be disruptive to your business. If it is not a suitable time right now, we suggest you download the update to install later, or check again for updates via the Start menu, Zetafax, Check for Updates shortcut at a suitable time.
Some updates will update the Zetafax Client source install folder on the Zetafax Server. Updates of this type will be clearly marked and provide installation instructions by clicking "Installation Instructions" on the update download page (see figure 4.). Once the update is complete you will be required to re-install the Zetafax Client on individual client machines using your chosen roll-out mechanism.
Some updates require customer authentication. In the event that authentication is required you will be presented with a form similar to that shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5: User Security form
Simply fill in the required fields taking special care when entering you Zetafax Licence number and click the "Submit" button. Once you have been authenticated the Zetafax Update Service will begin downloading the update file and start the update installation if you have chosen "Install Now > ".
Some optional additional feature updates will only be available to Software Assurance licensed customers. If you wish to receive these updates then you must purchase a Software Assurance licence.
Last updated: 09 /03/2005 (BM/EB)